Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 5, для научной тематики: Rating
Chernenkov Yu.V., Gumenyuk 0.I.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
The rating evaluation is a type of quantitative and qualitative monitoring of students' academic and practical activities. In this article the authors demonstrate the experience of the use of rating system in the assessment of academic and practical preparation of students in the Russian higher scho...
The rating evaluation is a type of quantitative and qualitative monitoring of students' academic and practical activities. In this article the authors demonstrate the experience of the use of rating system in the assessment of academic and practical preparation of students in the Russian higher schools.
Chernenkov Yu.V., Gumenyuk 0.I. Rating system — innovative method of evaluation of students academic and practical preparation // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 471-474
Dmitriev V.A.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2011
The article deals with the analysis of efficiency of hospital replacing technologies usage in medical-preventive institutions of Saratov region. Such factors as morbidity structure, network of medical institutions and regional specificity have been taken into account. Rating of specialities able to ...
The article deals with the analysis of efficiency of hospital replacing technologies usage in medical-preventive institutions of Saratov region. Such factors as morbidity structure, network of medical institutions and regional specificity have been taken into account. Rating of specialities able to give daily in-patient medical aid for adults and children in Saratov region depending on territorial specificity of medical-preventive institution has been defined
Dmitriev V.A. Qualitative control of treatment of daily in-patients // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 18-21
Афанасьев Е.В., Афанасьева М.Г.
- Сложные системы и процессы , 2010
Разработана система экономико-математических моделей ранжирования вариантов диверсифицированного развития и конверсии горнорудного предприятия с учетом риска. В основу системы положена мультипликативная функция, в которой ключевыми аргументами являются: оценки динамики спроса и предложения минеральн...
Разработана система экономико-математических моделей ранжирования вариантов диверсифицированного развития и конверсии горнорудного предприятия с учетом риска. В основу системы положена мультипликативная функция, в которой ключевыми аргументами являются: оценки динамики спроса и предложения минеральной продукции; оценки организационно-технического уровня альтернативных направлений производства минеральной продукции; оценки экономической эффективности альтернативных направлений деятельности и развития производства путем управления смешанными стратегиями.
It is built the system of economic and mathematical models for ranking variants of diversified devel-opment and conversion of the mining enterprise, which takes into account the risk. The system is based on a multiplicative function, in which the key arguments are: estimates of the supply and demand dynam-ics of mineral products; estimates of organizational and technical level of alternative directions of mineral products production; estimates of alternative directions economic efficiency for activity and development of production by mixed strategies management.
A.A. Protopopov, V.G. Lim, Yu.V. Chernenkov, Yu.M. Spivakovsky
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The article presents the experience of departments and teaching staff rating at Saratov Medical University. Rating evaluation was carried out according to the criteria proposed by the staff and approved by the Quality and Rating Committee of the University. The rating evaluation is a type of quantit...
The article presents the experience of departments and teaching staff rating at Saratov Medical University. Rating evaluation was carried out according to the criteria proposed by the staff and approved by the Quality and Rating Committee of the University. The rating evaluation is a type of quantitative and qualitative monitoring of teachers' activities and departments, which can be combined with other evaluating methods used in high schools
A.A. Protopopov, V.G. Lim, Yu.V. Chernenkov, Yu.M. Spivakovsky Rating system in evaluation of departments and teaching staff and its use in management of basic processes of quality of education at medical university // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 472-474
Svistunov A.A., Chernenkov Yu.V., Gumenyuk O.I., Raskina E.E.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2009
In this article the authors demonstrate the results of using mark-rating system in estimation of professional competence of the fifth-year students of pediatric department during summer professional practice....
In this article the authors demonstrate the results of using mark-rating system in estimation of professional competence of the fifth-year students of pediatric department during summer professional practice.
Svistunov A.A., Chernenkov Yu.V., Gumenyuk O.I., Raskina E.E. USE OF MARK-RATING SYSTEM IN ESTIMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS OF PEDIATRIC DEPARTMENT DURING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2009, pp. 12-14