The development of high-technological medical care in Russia has improved the quality of rendering of medical aid to the population, but at the same time the lack of efficient, qualified specialists has been revealed. Today graduates of professional educational institution are characterized by the k...
The development of high-technological medical care in Russia has improved the quality of rendering of medical aid to the population, but at the same time the lack of efficient, qualified specialists has been revealed. Today graduates of professional educational institution are characterized by the knowledge in theory and inefficient practical experience, while the employer is interested in the optimal combination of these qualities. All of these facts lead to the necessity of introducing into the educational process technologies of dual training as a tool of approximation theory to practice Saratov. Medical University may share the experience of introduction and organization of elements of the complex educational system in the process of realization of the programs of secondary professional education through the creation of educational-productive cluster on the bases of clinics.
Popkov V.M., Bugaeva I.0., Fedorova L.M., Panasenko E.M., Markova V.D., Gvozdkova O.A., Lifanova O.N. Improvement of the training system of medical and pharmaceutical specialists at medical college of Saratov State Medical University // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 213-215