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 Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 5, для научной тематики: Chronic generalized periodontitis


Gender features of rheological properties of blood (plasma viscosity, aggregation and deformation of erythrocytes) in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Kazantsev A.V., Suyetenkov D.Ye., /Andronoy E.V./, J Firsova I.V. - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
The goal is to study gender features of rheological properties of blood in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) from mild to moderate severity. Material and Methods. 80 patients (43.8% male) with CGP aged 42±5 years have been studied. 41 patients (43.9% male) experienced mild severi...

Chronic oral pathology and ischemic heart disease and its complications (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Ivaschenko Y.Y., Shvarts Y.G., Parkhonyuk E.V., Eremin O.V. - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
Objective: to establish the relationship of chronic generalized periodontitis, multiple cavities and dentofacial anomalies with various forms of coronary heart disease and its complications. Material and methods. The study included 294 patients with coronary heart disease and its complications. The ...

Risk factors of development of inflammatory diseases of parodentium in pregnant women (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Dubrovskaya M.V., Eremin O.V., Savina Е.А., Ivashchenko Y.Y., Minasyn A.M. - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
Pathogenesis of oral hygiene, smoking, gestosis, immunosuppression and cytokine disbalance affect inflammatory periodontal diseases in pregnant women. The research goal is to study clinical and immunological features of parodentium and cytokine profile in oral cavity of pregnant women. Material and ...

Changes in the trigeminal nerve under the infuence of cortexin in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Lepilin A.V., Sholomov I.I., Erokina N.L., Soyher M.G., Nozdrina V.D., Bisultanov H.W. - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2012

Purpose: correction of violations in the trigeminal nerve in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. Material and methods. A clinical examination and study of the functional activity of the trigeminal nerve in 160 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. Res...


Immunological disorders in formation of periodontal diseases at pregnant women (публикация автора на scipeople)     

A.V. Lepilin, M.V. Dubrovskaya - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The research goal is to study clinical and immunological features of parodentium and cytokine profile in oral cavity of pregnant women. The condition of parodentium tissues was studied at 200 women with physiological pregnancy and 300 women with pregnancy complicated by gestosis. According to the re...