Until recently concept «spirituality» was used in various interpretations in relation to social group — intelligentsia or to the institute of
church which has saved for this purpose a lot of religious heritage experience. It is necessary to recognize that appeals to spirituality of
the nat...
Until recently concept «spirituality» was used in various interpretations in relation to social group — intelligentsia or to the institute of
church which has saved for this purpose a lot of religious heritage experience. It is necessary to recognize that appeals to spirituality of
the nation not only c onsolidate people round the general ideas but also form healthy feeling of patriotism.
Definitions and functions of spirituality within psychology originally considered as quality of a person capable to self-development on the
basis of positive moral ideals including commitment to excellence, formation of the special relation to other person as to a value. Moral
ideals and in a whole images of people are sorted by religious, mythological, artistic and scientific realms whereas national traditions,
including religious, effect mass consciousness, generating not only constructive religious activity, but also spontaneous religiousness or
even fanaticism in its v arious manifestations.
The world religious picture of the Russian Orthodox Church examines general welfare through a prism of moral development of the
identity of the believer. Such cultivated purpose of religious environmen as fulfillment of the commandments raises a question — «what
to do with moral educ ation of atheists?»
True assessment of the similar social and psychological phenomena results in historical and psychological researches of the last years
which show the need of forming strategy of scientific and religious interaction in academic science. On the other hand, we couldn’t agree
that the main vector of development of the person lies not only in the direction of physical, physiological, mental, social, but also spiritual
and moral development.
In context of historical psychology, educational technologies of spiritual upbringing in pedagogical process are structured by using a
grid of definitions of spiritual functions in combination with some forms of strategy of scientific and religious interaction. Considering a
fictionalization as one of the most important form of self-expression of the individual, we can see how Russian literature author artistically
self-presenting himself and his spirituality as a quality by means of existential interpretation of his own ideas of the bible character.
Nadezhda Pecherskaya Fictionalization of biblical scenes: spirituality or educational technologies // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 0-0