Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 2, для научной тематики: OXYGEN
Shakhmardanova S.A.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2015
The Purpose: to determine the acute toxicity of new metal complexes of iron derived vinylimidazole and to reveal their antihypoxic activity in comparison with Acyzol and other known antihypoxic etomersol and hypoxen. Material and methods. Antihypoxic activity was studied in experiments on nonlinear ...
The Purpose: to determine the acute toxicity of new metal complexes of iron derived vinylimidazole and to reveal their antihypoxic activity in comparison with Acyzol and other known antihypoxic etomersol and hypoxen. Material and methods. Antihypoxic activity was studied in experiments on nonlinear white mice-males 4 models of acute hypoxia (hypobaric, hypoxia with hypercapnia, hemic, histotoxic). Rates of acute toxicity (LD16, LD LD ) were calculated graphically by the method of Miller and Tainter. Changes in oxidative metabolism in mice under the influence of the most active compounds were assessed by the values of oxygen consumption and rectal temperature. Results. The studied metal complexes of iron are small and moderately toxic. The connection under the code of Tetravim on the severity of antihypoxic effect (the increase in life expectancy male mice compared to control groups on 20-127%) in the range of doses studied (5-250 mg/kg, i/p) is superior to other derivatives of vinylimidazole known and antihypoxic: etomersol (25-100mg/kg, i/p) and hypoxen (50-150 mg/kg, i/p). Conclusion. The obtained data on the pharmacological activity of Tetravim require further clarification of the mechanism of antihypoxic effect and clinical trials with the aim of putting it on the drugs market as a promising antihypoxic agent.
Shakhmardanova S.A. The study of acute toxicity and antihypoxic activity of new metal complexes of iron // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 146-150
Таланин В.И., Таланин И.Е., Устименко М.П.
- Сложные системы и процессы , 2010
Показано, что процесс образования, роста и коалесценции преципитатов во время охлаждения кристалла после выращивания является определяющим этапом в формировании ростовой дефектной структуры бездислокационных монокристаллов кремния. Предложена кинетическая модель распада твердых растворов примесей, с...
Показано, что процесс образования, роста и коалесценции преципитатов во время охлаждения кристалла после выращивания является определяющим этапом в формировании ростовой дефектной структуры бездислокационных монокристаллов кремния. Предложена кинетическая модель распада твердых растворов примесей, с помощью которой возможно моделирование процессов преципитации во время охлаждения кристалла кремния после выращивания в температурном диапазоне 1682 ... 1403 К. // It is shown that the process of formation, growth and coalescence of precipitates at crystal cooling after growth is a controlling factor of the growth defect structure formation at dislocation-free silicon single crystal. A kinetic model of decomposition of impurity solid solutions which gives an opportunity to simulate the precipitation during the silicon crystal cooling after the growth for the temperature range 1682 ... 1403 K.