Невзоров Александр ЮрьевичСаратовский Государственный Медицинский Университет им.В.И.Разумовского. Студент стоматологического факультета, 1ый курс. 6 группа.Мухина Марина Юрьевна.Научный руководитель. Саратовский Государственный Медицинский Университет им.В.И.Разумовского. Кафедра иностранных языков...
Невзоров Александр ЮрьевичСаратовский Государственный Медицинский Университет им.В.И.Разумовского. Студент стоматологического факультета, 1ый курс. 6 группа.Мухина Марина Юрьевна.Научный руководитель. Саратовский Государственный Медицинский Университет им.В.И.Разумовского. Кафедра иностранных языков. Английский язык. Старший преподаватель.Спелеотерапия как разновидность альтернативной медицины.Данный материал содержит информацию о таких видах терапии как, соляная терапия, хало терапия и спелео терапия. Терапия заключается в посещении соляных пещер, где солёный воздух, и определённый микроклимат благоприятно влияют на кожный покров, а так же являются хорошим подспорьем в лечении респираторных заболеваний.Speleotherapy as a form of alternative medicine.Salt therapy, halo therapy or speleotherapy is the therapeutic use of salt mines, caves or other forms of exposure to salt air to treat medical conditions. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed saltwater inhalation therapy for bronchial and lung disorders. Salt therapy consists of sitting in a room coated with salt crystals and pumped full of salt-laden air.Halo therapy has been used for respiratory diseases for centuries. European monks treated respiratory ailments in natural salt caves and noted that their patients got better faster. The monks would actually grind salt rocks against each other to create a salt dust that their patients inhaled. Halo therapy has actually been researched and has some significant findings. A study of 55 patients with bronchial asthma indicated that there was an increase of the number of T-lymphocytes, a normalization of the number of B-lymphocytes and increase of the level of IgA and a reduction of IgM content. These markers indicated significant improvement.Twenty nine patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had significant positive results including the improvement in lung function and blood pressure. Salt therapy has shown the capacity to decease microbial contamination of the upper respiratory tract and inhibit respiratory allergies. Two hundred and sixteen children with bronchial asthma were treated in conditions of salt mines. Good results were seen in atopic asthma, and chronic bronchitis. The therapy also noticeably diminished bronco-obstructive syndrome and improved pulmonary ventilation. And these improvements were stable in most of the patients.Another study focused on skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. One hundred and twelve children underwent therapy and the results showed a positive trend.There are even ways to create your own salt room in your home either by purchasing a salt pod, or turning a walk in closet into a salt room.
Невзоров.А.Ю., Мухина М.Ю. Спелеотерапия как разновидность альтернативной медицины./Speleotherapy as a form of alternative medicine. // Бюллетень медицинских Интернет-конференций, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 177-177