Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1524   

Теоретический анализ ударно-волновых систем на пластине со щитком в сверхзвуковом потоке     

М. В. Чернышов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
The supersonic flow around the plate with front flap with formation of Prandtl – Meyer waves and attached stationary shocks is analyzed. Limitative angles of attack of plate and flap are found. The problem of maximization of the lift force of plate owing to the front flap is solved 

Лев герасимович лойцянский     

Ю. В. Лапин - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Работы Л.Г.Лойцянского стали основополагающими в динамике вязкой жидкости, в теории газовой смазки, теории ламинарных и турбулентных струй, теории пограничного слоя, теории турбулентности. Опубликованные им статьи не только содержат красивые научные результаты, но могут также служить образцом научной публицистики. В этом выпуске "Вестника" перепечатана одна из классических работ Л.Г.Лойцянского "Некоторые основные закономерности изотропного турбулентного потока" (см. также обзорную статью Н.И.Акатнова об "инварианте Лойцянского" 

О работе Л.Г.Лойцянского “Некоторые основные закономерности изотропного турбулентного потока”     

Н. И. Акатнов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Настоящая обзорная статья посвящена истории и современному состоянию проблемы 

Некоторые основные закономерности изотропного турбулентного потока     

Л. Г. Лойцянский - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Дискуссии вокруг "инварианта" продолжаются по сей день. Современному состоянию вопроса посвящена обзорная статья Н.И.Акатнова, опубликованная в этом номере.

Взаимодействие струи жидкости, истекающей из плоского канала, с бесконечным проницаемым экраном     

П. Р. Андронов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
The interaction of a jet of liquid, flowing out from a plane channel, with an infinite porous screen A precise solution of the problem of the interaction of a stationary plane jet of ideal incompressible liquid limited by the width, flowing out from a channel, with an infinite porous plane, possessing the absolute directing effect, is obtained. The law of leaking is assumed to be linear. The problem is reduced to the construction of the parametrically specified conformal mapping from the plane of the flow to the plane of the velocity hodograph. It is shown that always, except the special case of absolute permeability, side by side with the leaking, the non-limited spreading of the jet before the screen takes place. The influence of the problem's parameters (the distance between the channel and the screen, the degree of permeability) on the velocity distribution behind the porous plane and on the coefficient of the normal force, acting on this plane, is investigated 

Движение частиц вязкой несжимаемой жидкости во вторичном автоколебательном потоке     

А. П. Мелехов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
We research particle dynamics in the secondary self-oscillations flow forking from two-dimensional spatially-periodic stream when one of the periods goes to infinity in 2 cases: 1) the main stream is parallel and 2) non-parallel. In the first case the particle trajectories are level curves of stream function. In the second case in self-oscillations we observe chaotic behavior of the particle known as the Lagrangian turbulence 

Дифракция мелководных волн на тонком теле при околокритических скоростях движения     

А. А. Несмеянов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Nonlinear problem of diffraction of waves on a thin body, moving in shallow water, in the case of trancritical velocity is considered in this article. The theoretical solution of this problem hasn't been obtained yet. The practical solution of this problem is carried out on the base of an effective asymptotic method — the method of full approximation, which is generalization of a method of deformed coordinates. As a result the equations, convenient for practical calculations, for diffractional side force and moment, affecting the body moving in liquid, were obtained 

Исследование устойчивости гиперзвукового пограничного слоя на конусе     

Д. А. Бунтин - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Results of laminar boundary layers stability studies and transition data are presented. Experiments were carryied out at Mach number M=5.92 on one sharp and two blunt 7-degree half angle cones. The models were in thermodynamic balance with free flow. The spectra of natural perturbations were estimated, the evolution of artificial perturbations on the second mode frequency were investigated. Amplification coefficients of the first and the second mode waves were obtained. It was found that the 2-dimensional perturbations of the second mode are the most growing, but the laminar turbulent transition is determined by the first mode pulsations 

Влияние пульсаций температуры на характеристики электрической дуги     

С. А. Аверьянова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
The results of investigation on influence of temperature turbulent pulsation on the arc characteristics are presented in this paper. Shown that it is necessary to take into account the influence of temperature pulsation on conductivity. If to neglect this effect, the calculations result in the overestimation of temperature in the axis of the arc. In this paper the calculations were made for turbulent arc burning in a high-voltage circuit breaker shortly before current becomes equal to zero. In this case the electrodes on the axis of Laval's nozzle, creating the supersonic flow, are far from each other; the current in the arc is low and the diameter of the arc is small in comparison with the nozzle throat diameter 

Численное исследование трехмерной нестационарной конвекции в модельной установке метода чохральского     

А. Б. Корсаков - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
Direct numerical simulation of 3D unsteady MHD-convection of mercury (Pr=0.025) in a cylindrical cavity has been performed. Thermal boundary conditions are similar to those formed in Czochralski crystal growth systems. The Boussinesq's approximation is used for incorporation of the gravity buoyancy effects, and the back influence of liquid motion on the magnetic field was neglected. Computational results are presented for Ra=8.45·106 with Ha=0 and 75. Computed temperature fluctuations are compared with available experimental data