Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1524   

Образование нейтральных векторных мезонов ρ0(ω0,φ0) в адрон-адронных соударениях и проверка дробности зарядов кварков     

В. В. Вихров - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
The mechanism is considered for production of neutral vector mesons ρ0(ω0,φ0) in hadron-nucleon collisions, basing on the transition into them of virtual photons, according to vector domination model. The differential cross sections of process h+N -> ρ0(ω0,φ0) + hadrons are obtained for hadron-nucleon beams with energies of the following colliders: ISR (CERN), SPPS (CERN), Tevatron (FNAL, USA), LHC (CERN). This value is measured in present on the last three of them. Detection of the proposed reaction can be considered as an independent way of supervision of quarks in a virtual state and their fractional electrical charges 

Влияние мочевины на процесс радиационного поражения молекулы днк в растворе     

С. В. Пастон, И. М. Зырянова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
Water-salt DNA solutions unirradiated and gamma-irradiated with the dose of 10 Gy with different urea concentrations at the ionic strength 5*10^(-4) M NaCl were studied by the methods of viscometry and flow birefringence. Small urea concentrations in unirradiated solution (less then 0.03 mol.%) caused monotonous decrease of the macromolecule volume. It is in agreement with the literature data. It was found that gamma-irradiation results in diminution of DNA intrinsic viscosity and optical anisotropy, and DNA conformational alterations after the gamma-irradiation do not depend on the urea concentration in solution. It may confirm a hypothesis earlier advanced about decrease of DNA charge density caused by gamma-irradiation of its solution 

Особенности криосорбции 4He и 3He вблизи температуры λ-точки     

Г. В. Качалин - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
Sorption isosters of helium isotopes on argon cryolayers in temperature range 2--4K are submitted. The effect of uneven fall of pressure 4He near the λ-point temperatures is found out. For 3He no abnormal changes in similar conditions were observed 

Влияние нестехиометрии и упорядочения на механические и магнитные свойства карбида титана TiCy     

Л. В. Зуева - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
Influence of nonstoichiometic and of ordering on microhardness and magnetic susceptibility of titanium carbide TiCy is studied. It is established that growth of structure vacance concentration results in reduction of microhardness while ordering leads to increase of microhardness HV. Possible reasons of it in the field of 0.8 < y < 0.9 is discussed. Anomalous behaviour microhardness of TiCy is connected with the mechanism of plastic deformation stipulated particularities of electronic spectrum of nonstoichiometric titanium carbide. Temperatures of equilibrium transition the order-disorder is determined (Ttr = 800–1000 K for different compositions). It is established that ordering results in reduction of magnetic susceptibility of carbide TiCy. The short-range order parameters are calculated from experimental magnetic susceptibility data. It is shown that the short order corresponds to such superstructures as Ti2C, Ti3C2, and Ti6C5 

Джон десмонд бернал     

А. Н. Скворцов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
10 мая этого года исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения выдающегося британского ученого, философа и борца за мир Джона Десмонда Бернала. За свою жизнь Дж. Бернал внес огромный вклад в развитие самых разных областей науки, создал новое направление — науковедение, но, пожалуй, стал наиболее известен как человек, сделавший рентгенографию одной из наиболее значимых областей естествознания. Оставаясь долгие годы вдохновителем ведущей лаборатории рентгеноструктурного анализа биологических объектов, Бернал воспитал талантливых последователей, многие из которых стали впоследствии лауреатами нобелевских премий, талантливыми учеными, успешно развивая намеченные Берналом направления. Достижения Дж. Бернала были признаны во всем мире, он являлся почетным членом Академии наук СССР и академий других стран. Этому удивительному человеку и великому ученому и посвящен данный очерк 

Описание спектральных характеристик векторных мезонов на основе квазилокальных кварковых моделей из квантовой хромодинамики     

С. С. Афонин - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
On the base of Quasilocal Quark Model of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type including vector and axial-vector four-fermion interactions mass spectrum for vector (V) and axial-vector (A) mesons is calculated. Employing conditions of Chiral Symmetry Restoration at high energies some constraints on model parameters are obtained. A number of relations for masses and electromagnetic decay constants of ground vector and axial-vector meson states as well as their first radial excitations are derived. Contribution of the first V, A-meson excitations to the electromagnetic π-meson mass difference is calculated 

Моделирование влияния ион-водных комплексов на электропроводность приземных слоев атмосферы     

Е. Г. Бауман - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
The model, which describes internal motion of ions within the cluster formed by hydrated ions of different signs, is suggested in this work. The contribution of the ions motion into the electroconductivity of atmosphere contained these ion-water complexes is computed by the methods of molecular dynamics. It is shown that the contribution of such kind of clusters is comparable with that of individual hydrated clusters H+(H2O)n. The agreement of results of modeling with a theory of linear response is satisfactory for high frequences of external field 

Класс точных решений в неоднородной космологической модели с заряженным скалярным полем и идеальной жидкостью     

Д. А. Корнилов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
This work contains results of investigation of the inhomogeneous cosmological models with gravitation field represented by nonstatic generalization of Majumdar-Papapetrou metric. As material sources of gravitational field, the coupling of a perfect fluid and charged scalar field is considered. It is shown that the requirement of a self-consistency of such system results in restrictions on the equation of state of perfect fluid, or on a selfacting potential of the scalar field. For this models, exact solutions of the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations are obtained. It is shown that the equations of cosmological dynamics for this model suppose existence of a stage with the accelerated expansion of the Universe which can be compared both to an inflationary stage and a stage accelerated expansions of the Universe in present time. Trial particle has a specific dynamics in these models that can be interpreted as “latent mass” effect similar to “dark matter” 

Структурные изменения в днк при взаимодействии с hmg1-доменами     

А. М. Поляничко, А. Н. Скворцов, С. Г. Давыденко, Е. В. Чихиржина - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
In the present work the interaction of non-histone chromatin protein HMG1 and high-molecular weight DNA has been studied by means of the circular dichroism spectroscopy. The regulatory function of C-terminal polyacidic chain of HMG1 in this interaction has been shown, using the recombinant HMG1-(A+B) protein, that contains only the DNA-binding domains and has no C-terminal part. The binding of HMG1 domains to DNA increases in the absence of polyanionic C-terminus. The dependence of interaction on NaCl concentration has also been observed. In low ionic strength (15 mM NaCl) both native and shortened proteins show analogous modes of interaction, but in higher ionic strength (150 mM NaCl) the interaction differs dramatically. Binding of HMG1-(с+е) under higher NaCl concentration induces the new state of DNA with abnormally large circular dichroism. The spectrum is characterized by two intensive positive Gauss-type bands. The characteristic circular dichroism of this system is positive over all observed wavelength and is 25 times higher than the intrinsic circular dichroism of B-DNA. The observed DNA state is very sensitive to the DNA-protein ratio (r, w/w) in solution. The optimum range for this state formation is narrow and located near r=0.1. The model describing the observed changes has been proposed 

Влияние конформации днк в растворе на поведение спектра кругового дихроизма в области 205-230 нм     

А. М. Поляничко, Е. В. Чихиржина, А. Н. Скворцов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
In the present work the comparative analysis of the far-UV region (200-230 nm) in circular dichroism spectra of DNA in some DNA-protein systems and in 80% trifluoroethanol solution has been done. The common tendencies in spectral changes of all systems under investigation have been observed. It has been shown that DNA in 80% trifluoroethanol solution has different conformations at low (15 mM) and high (150 mM) NaCl concentration. Higher sensitivity of circular dichroism bands in far-UV region to small variations in structure has been shown as compared to the traditional DNA circular dichroism bands in 240-280 nm region. The hypothesis is proposed summarizing the phenomena of ordered supramolecular structures in all described systems