Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1524   

Модуляция процессов дифференцировки и апоптоза клеток промиелоцитарной линии человека к562 стерильными производными ряда хинолина и пиридина     

Т. О. Волковаи. Е. Малышева - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
In the present study we have investigated of cytotocsic, antiproliferative, differentiating and apoptotic activity of 2-(4'-dimethylaminostyryl)-quinoline-1-oxide (2-DQO), 4-(4'-dimethylaminostyryl)-quinoline-1-oxide (4-DQO), 2-(4'-dimethylaminostyryl)-pyridine-1-oxide (DPyO) on human erythroleukemic K562 cells. Our data showed, that these chemical reagents has strong apoptogenic effect on tumor cells, moreover, proliferation of tumor cells after the influence of mentioned compounds completely stops. However, the differentiative effect of investigating reagents on K562 cells was differently. DPyO induced in K562 cells syntesis of hemoglobin (marker of erythroid differentiation), whereas 2-DQO and 4-DQO do not affect the concentration of hemoglobin in cells K562. A possible mechanisms action of discovering biological activities are discussed 

Первая лекция в московском университете     

И. М. Сеченов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
По новому университетскому уставу профессор, выслуживший свой срок, сохраняет за собою право преподавания в университетах в качестве приватдоцента. Этим драгоценным правом я воспользовался; начальство соблаговолило допустить меня к чтению лекций, и я, как бывший воспитанник Московского университета, чувствую себя в самом деле очень счастливым, что имею, наконец, возможность послужить родному университету. Деятельность моя как приват-доцента должна заключаться в том, чтобы содействовать успехам преподавания физиологии; и этой цели я думаю достичь на первых порах чтением специальных курсов. Программа такого курса, представленная мною в факультет, имеет предметом "физиологию чувствования", и чтения предназначаются для студентов, уже прослушавших систематический курс физиологии. Это значит --- на своих лекциях я буду предполагать в слушателях знакомство с основными положениями общей физиологии нервной системы и учения об органах чувств ...  

Взаимодействие конкурентных и неконкурентных антагонистов с ионотропными глутаматными рецепторами     

О. И. Барыгин, О. Н. Иванова, М. В. Николаев - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
Glutamate is the major excitative neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of vertebrates. The influence of various ligands on ionotropic glutamate receptors was studied in the present work. The differences between the structures of ion channels of NMDA and AMPA receptors were revealed on the basis of study of blocking effects of phenylcyclohexyl derivatives. The data obtained can be used as recommendation for synthesis of new selective blockers of different types of glutamate receptors. It was shown that nickel acts as a competitive antagonist of AMPA receptors. This fact can be explained by the direct competition between nickel and glutamate for receptor binding or by formation of nickel-glutamate complexes in solution. The molecular modeling approach was used to calculate the interaction energies between various agonists and AMPA receptors. We found a correlation between different interaction with two lobes of ligand-binding domain and mode of ligand action. So the effects of different ligands on glutamate receptors shed light on some important features of their structure and functioning 

Динамика дегенерации нейронов коры головного мозга крыс при действии токсических доз глутамата     

Е. В. Миронова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
In the present study we have investigated the dynamics of glutamate induced neurodegeneration and its concentration dependence using cultured rat cortical neurons. Comparative analysis of proliferation processes in cultured neurons was done. In particular, it was observed that by the 7th day of culturing, neurons formed the functional neuronal network. It may suggest that at this stage of development neurons already expressed basic types of glutamate receptors and the major complex of receptor-channel systems. We demonstrate here the excitoneurotoxic effect of glutamate. The concentration dependence of dynamic of neurotoxic glutamate action was tested. For instance, in the presence of 0.3 mM glutamate over 30% of neurons were died by 150 min of the experiment. Approximately the same percentage of cell death in the presence of 3.0 mMglutamate was achieved at 45 min of transmitter application. Most importantly, after 80 min of 3.0 mM glutamate action less then a third of cells were alive. Thus, using rat cortical neurons growing in culture we demonstrated the neurotoxic effect of excitatory neurotransmitter — glutamate. In further experiments we will focus on the molecular aspects of neurotoxic glutamate action in more detail 

Структурные изменения в ткани базальных ганглиев мозга в раннем онтогенезе крыс после пренатальной гипоксии     

Д. С. Васильев - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
The tissue structure of striatum and globus pallidus during first two weeks of postnatal ontogeny was investigated in rats after hypoxia, happened on 13,5 day of embryonal development, using light microscopy (Nissle method). Our results suggest that hypoxia leads to increasing of structural failure (neuronal injury, chromatolysis of the cells) in dorsolateral striatum and central globus pallidus. The statistically significant decreasing of number and total area of the cells was shown in globus pallidus and striatum of animals after prenatal hypoxia. Substantial loss of the number in large-scale neurons was noticed in both structures. The number of injured neurons in striatum was lower then that number in globus pallidus 

Аргинин-вазотоцин: физиологический анализ механизмов натрийуретического действия на почку крысы     

А. Е. Боголепова, Цзе Гао, А. В. Кутина - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
Intramuscular administration of 0.05 μg of arginine-vasotocine (AVT) during 5% water load or hypervolemia after intravenous infusion of 4.5 ml 0.9% solution of NaCl increases sodium excretion by rat kidney. Natriuresis was examined in experiments with Wistar rats after administration of AVT during non-selective blockade of prostanoid synthesis by diclofenac-natrium or after injection of V1- (0.05 μg) or V2-receptor (0.05 μg) antagonists. Rat kidney functions were studied on the maximum of diuresis. Cyclooxygenase inhibition by diclofenac-natrium didn't change diuresis, the glomerular filtration rate, the osmotic free water reabsorbtion and excretion of the osmotically active solutions after AVT administration. Injection of V1- or V2- antagonists didn't decrease AVT-induced natriuresis in rat. The results obtained have shown that increased sodium excretion after AVT administration does not depend on the prostanoid production or influence on V1- and V2-receptor systems 

Инсулиноподобные нейропептиды моллюска Anodonta cygnea L.: функциональные свойства и амплификация специфичных мРНК     

В. Н. Шипилов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
Six isulin-related peptides (IRPs) from visceroparietal ganglions of mollusc Anodonta cygnea have been isolated and purified. The testing of IRPs in two radioreceptor systems specific for insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGFI) showed the predominance affinity of the most mollusc peptides with IGF-I receptor compared to that of insulin receptor. By means of RT-PCR analysis the presence of mRNA presumably coding of mollusc insulin-like neuropeptides was revealed in two kinds of Anodonta cygnea ganglions. The data obtained indicate that functional properties of mollusc IRPs have certain similarity with those of insulin superfamily hormones of vertebrates 

Исследование влияния релаксина и инсулина на активность глюкозо-6-фосфатдегидрогеназы и гликогенсинтетазы в мышечных тканях позвоночных и беспозвоночных животных     

О. В. Чистякова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
Comparative study of influence of insulin and relaxin on the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and glycogen synthase (GS) was performed in the muscle tissues of rat, chicken, lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and mollusk (Anodonta cygnea). It is shown that in vitro hormones stimulate activity of the enzymes in dose-dependent way, and action of relaxin was more poorly than action of insulin. It is typical that sensitivity of G6PD and GS to hormones did not depend on initial activity of enzymes. Thus, it is shown in this work for the first time that in vitro relaxin has similar and unidirectional effect with insulin on activity G6PD and GS in muscle tissues of animals of a various phylogenetic level 

Нарушение функций митохондрий гепатоцитов миноги Lampetra fluviatilis L. в зимний период преднерестовой миграции     

Л. В. Емельянова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
The respiration velocities of different metabolic states are low in lamprey liver mitochondria during winter prespawning migration. The low efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation accounts for marginal respiratory controls and ADP/O. The total pool of adenine nucleotides in liver mitochondria decreases by 23-34% in winter in comparison with the values in autumn and spring. Lamprey mitochondria exhibit high permeability to protons that is probably sequent of mitochondria permeability transition (MPT) induction in low conductive state. Energization of mitochondria by pyruvate and malate decelerates swelling whereas energization by succinate leads up shrinkage. In winter the mitochondria energy-depending swelling is sensitive to MPT inhibitors such as EGTA, cyclosporin A, heparin, DTT. In spring only cyclosporin A inhibits MPT. We suppose that the metabolic depression in lamprey hepatocytes during winter prespawning migration is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction 

Влияние липофильных соединений на транспорт tl+нонактин (rb+валиномицин) через внутреннюю мембрану митохондрий печени крысы     

Е. Р. Никитина - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
In the present work we studied the influence of ionophores and lipophylic compounds on (86Rb) and 204Tl transport in the rat liver mitochondria. It was shown that in the absence of nonactin (specific ionophore for thallium) Tl itself did not decrease distribution coefficient (r) of Rb with valinomycin. Similarly, nonactin without Tl had no considerable effect on the level of Rb+ valinomycin accumulation. Combined action of Tl and nonactin sharply decreased the level of Rb+ valinomycin distribution coefficient. Lipophylic phosphonium cations, readily penetrating across the inner mitochondrial membrane, decreased the level of 204Tl nonactine accumulation. The rate of decrease for 204Tl distribution coefficient in mitochondria was higher in the presence of more hydrophobic cation. On the contrary, Tl+ nonactin complex caused considerable decrease of the distribution ratio of lipophylic cations. Obtained data allow to suppose that Tl+ nonactin (Rb+ valinomycin) complexes on the one hand and lipophylic cations on the other hand compete for an entry into hydrophobic region of the membrane