Связанные научные тематики:

 Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 2, для научной тематики: Dark field microscopy


Accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in the mesenteric lymph nodes at oral administration (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Olga V. Zlobina, Svetlana S. Pakhomiy, Alla B. Bucharskaya, Irina O. Bugaeva, Galina N. Maslyakova, Nikolai G. Khlebtsov, Boris N. Khlebtsov, Vladimir A. Bogatyrev - Russian Open Medical Journal , 2013
The aim: to conduct analysis of the accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in the structural and functional areas of mesenteric lymph nodes of white rats conducted with regard to the size and duration of the oral administration. The methods of dark field microscopy with Leica DM 2500...

Analysis of accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in mesenteric lymph nodes by oral administration (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Zlobina O.V., Pakhomiy S. S., Bucharskaya A.B., Bugaeva I.O., Maslyakova G.N., Khlebtsov N.G., Khlebtsov B.N., Bogatyrev V.A. - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
The aim of the article is to conduct analysis of accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in the structural and functional areas of mesenteric lymph nodes of white rats. Particular attention is paid to the size and duration of oral administration. Material and Methods: Dark field micro...