Aim: scientific basement for the hygienic, medical and prophylactic activities, excluding the adverse impact of the harmful and dangerous industrial factors on the workers' health. Material and methods. It was extensively studied the health of 327 workers who belong to the important for the hygienic...
Aim: scientific basement for the hygienic, medical and prophylactic activities, excluding the adverse impact of the harmful and dangerous industrial factors on the workers' health. Material and methods. It was extensively studied the health of 327 workers who belong to the important for the hygienic investigations professions in the bakery production, experiencing the impact of harmful industrial factors. To assess the subjective characteristics of the working conditions, the labor process, and the health status of workers the questionnaire was composed. The 214 respondents participated in the survey. Results: Analysis of the results of the extensive medical examinations showed that the first place takes the pathology of the organs of the urogenital system — 71.4% (per 100 women). The gastrointestinal tract diseases were also largely presented (62.3%). Among the major disadvantages of the working conditions, according to the respondents, were the microclimate conditions, dust, and poor light (91.2%, 87.6%, 83.0% responses, respectively). Conclusion. It was found that the morbidity among the workers in the bakery production industry had the professional features: the polysystemic and polyorganic pathology. With the purpose of the optimization of the factors of the industrial environment, a set of organizational, technological and medical activities, the implementation of which will allow to reduce the harmful effects of adverse working conditions was developed.
Maltsev М.S. Results of the study of health status of workers employed in the bakery production // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 229-232