Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 82   

Теория поэзии, драматургии, малых форм. (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Сигачёв А.А. - Белая Россия. , 2014
Краткое введение в курс теоретических основ художественной литературы (теории литературы) вызвано к жизни тем, что, как известно, без теории не может быть полноценного овладения предметом литературно-художественного творчества. Знание теоретической основы восприятия художественной литературы, способствует самостоятельному восприятию произведений. . В настоящее время курс теории литературы для студентов практически отсутствует, нет достаточной учебной литературы. Главная цель данного курса состоит в том, чтобы восполнить этот пробел в известной мере, расширить круг теоретических понятий, помочь разобраться в терминах, встречающихся в критических статьях и в литературоведческих работах, пробудить интерес к вопросам теории литературы.

Робинзоны полярного моря. (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Сигачёв А.А. - Российский национальный сервер "Стихи.ру". , 2015
Сказание о беспримерной научной экспедиции в Арктику на пароходе «Челюскин». Героический пример челюскинцев очень поучителен в наше непростое время. В условиях глобального энергетического кризиса, пробуждается повышенный интерес всего мирового сообщества к несметным нефтяным и газовым богатствам Арктического шельфа и опыт челюскинцев при освоении Севера может быть весьма полезен.

Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии и актуальные проблемы изучения биосферы. (публикация автора на scipeople)      

Буряк Алексей Константинович - УСПЕХИ НАУК О ЖИЗНИ , 2015
http://scipeople.ru/publication/120009/; В этой публикации дан анализ недавно вышедшей книги под названием «Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии» В.В. Ермакова, Е.А. Карповой, В.Д. Корж, С.А. Остроумова (г. Москва). В книге изложено большое количество новых фактов из области геохимии, биологии, экологии, биохимии и химии биосферы, подведены итоги исследований авторов в этих областях. Авторы книги изложили также новые полезные идеи по биогеохимии наземных и водных экосистем. Книга рекомендована ученым и преподавателям в области экологических наук, наук о жизни, океанологии, почвоведения и геохимии. Аннотация опубликована онлайн также здесь: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274254737; СПИСОК ЦИТИРУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ: 1. Ермаков В.В., Карпова Е.А., Корж В.Д., Остроумов С.А. Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии/Отв. ред. М.А. Федонкин, С.А. Остроумов. М.: ГЕОХИ РАН, 2012. 340 с. 2. Вернадский В.И. Биосфера. I-II. Л.: Науч. хим.-техн. изд-во, 1926. 147 с. ... 23. Остроумов С.А. Химико-биотические взаимодействия и новое в учении о биосфере В.И. Вернадского. М.: МАКС-пресс, 2013. 92 с. 24. Остроумов С.А. Система принципов для сохранения биогеоценотической функции и биоразнообразия фильтраторов//Доклады Академии наук. 2002. Т. 383.№ 5. С. 710-713. 25. Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes//Hydrobiologia. 2006. Т. 556. № 1. С. 381-386. 26. Ostroumov S.A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system//Doklady Biological Sciences. 2000. Vol. 371. С. 204-206. 27. Ostroumov S.A. Problems of assessment of biological activity of xenobiotics//Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 1990. Vоl. 45. № 2. P. 26-32. 28. Ostroumov S.A. Ecological concepts "ecosystem", "biogeocenosis", "ecosystem boundaries": search for new definitions//Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2003. Vol. 58. № 3. P. 29-38. 29. Ostroumov S.A. Elements of the qualitative theory of biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. Application of the theory to biodiversity conservation practice//Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2004. Vol. 59. №. 1. P. 26-35. 30. Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. Effects of cationic surfactant on mussels: inhibition of water filtration//Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2004. Vol. 59. № 4. P. 29-33. 31. Solomonova E.A., Ostroumov S.A. Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate//Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2007. Vol. 62. № 4. P.176-179.

Основные итоги внешней политики правительств «новых» лейбористов в великобритании (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Валуев Антон Вадимович - ПОЛИТЭКС. Политическая экспертиза , 2011
Статья отражает понимание автором ведущих приоритетов и ключевых итогов внешней политики Великобритании на европейском направлении в период правления «новых» лейбористов в 1997-2010 гг. Главная идея статьи состоит в том, что любые изменения на национальном уровне всегда будут накладывать сильнейший отпечаток на скорость, формат и содержание важнейших и определяющих в глобальном мире процессов модернизации и трансформации Европейского Союза. Цель статьи - поиск ответа на вопрос о том, почему в данный период магистральные европейские дела фактически оказались принесены в жертву вначале особым отношениям, а затем модным и активнейшим политическим дискуссиям на глобальные темы.

Research of moral consciousness of a personality in the light of strategies of scientifi and religious interaction (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Pecherskaya Nadexhda - Российский академический журнал , 2015
Retention and continuous formation of humanistic and life-affiming senses demands from the scientifi community not only showing interest to, but also permanent studying the moral consciousness aspect of the personality. In the 1990s almost no attention was paid to the research. Most studies published in this area relate to the 1960s - 1980s. The interest to the subject in the cultural and historical space initially for the Russian science can be traced in two levels - ideological and pragmatic. In the fist case, historically formed principles of the Soviet ideology, documenting the phrases “moral character of a Soviet man” or “communism builder” turned them into voluntary and compulsory model of building horizons of the individual's expectations. On the one hand, requirements reflcted the signs of the Soviet period totalitarianism, on the other hand, they demonstrated the historical background for emergence of the dissident movement in Russia. Its ideological attenuation was associated with the loss of national values, their criticism being the reason of its origin. The loss of the values in the former Soviet Union was justifid by purely pragmatic purposes, excessively activating hedonistic interests. In this context, subsequent simplifiation of communication with a mass audience negates the moral communication in itself. The ideological role of moral knowledge in the national idea development changed as well. Priorities were predominantly set in a descending order, from economically adjusted interests to rather unpopular moral connotations. The opportunity to create a fully justifid, adequate picture of a social life, to evaluate events and phenomena, to develop a personal position and behavior model through the mass media is lost. The natural human desire to live in accordance with metaneeds was suppressed or frustrated, it faced criminalization of the mass media information flw. Self-actualization impossible for a personality exacerbated its metapathology. Plunging in the humanities, in the moral consciousness studies, the elemental approach, according to which comprehension of the whole is performed by the study of its components, dominates. Instantiation of wordings in the system of moral knowledge (ideas, concepts) in combination with value judgments, allow to consider the mass media impact on the mass consciousness in terms of the “moral - immoral”, “spiritual - spiritless” ratios. Thus, we inevitably come into contact with the sphere of not only psychoanalysis, but philosophy, religious ethics. It is in tune with the thesis stating that the heritable nature of a man has something that always draws him/her to justice, deeds, self-assertion, allowing manifestation of his/her aggression in imposing his/her will.

Research of moral consciousness of a personality in the light of strategies of scientifi and religious interaction (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Pecherskaya Nadexhda - Российский академический журнал , 2015
Retention and continuous formation of humanistic and life-affiming senses demands from the scientifi community not only showing interest to, but also permanent studying the moral consciousness aspect of the personality. In the 1990s almost no attention was paid to the research. Most studies published in this area relate to the 1960s - 1980s. The interest to the subject in the cultural and historical space initially for the Russian science can be traced in two levels - ideological and pragmatic. In the fist case, historically formed principles of the Soviet ideology, documenting the phrases “moral character of a Soviet man” or “communism builder” turned them into voluntary and compulsory model of building horizons of the individual's expectations. On the one hand, requirements reflcted the signs of the Soviet period totalitarianism, on the other hand, they demonstrated the historical background for emergence of the dissident movement in Russia. Its ideological attenuation was associated with the loss of national values, their criticism being the reason of its origin. The loss of the values in the former Soviet Union was justifid by purely pragmatic purposes, excessively activating hedonistic interests. In this context, subsequent simplifiation of communication with a mass audience negates the moral communication in itself. The ideological role of moral knowledge in the national idea development changed as well. Priorities were predominantly set in a descending order, from economically adjusted interests to rather unpopular moral connotations. The opportunity to create a fully justifid, adequate picture of a social life, to evaluate events and phenomena, to develop a personal position and behavior model through the mass media is lost. The natural human desire to live in accordance with metaneeds was suppressed or frustrated, it faced criminalization of the mass media information flw. Self-actualization impossible for a personality exacerbated its metapathology. Plunging in the humanities, in the moral consciousness studies, the elemental approach, according to which comprehension of the whole is performed by the study of its components, dominates. Instantiation of wordings in the system of moral knowledge (ideas, concepts) in combination with value judgments, allow to consider the mass media impact on the mass consciousness in terms of the “moral - immoral”, “spiritual - spiritless” ratios. Thus, we inevitably come into contact with the sphere of not only psychoanalysis, but philosophy, religious ethics. It is in tune with the thesis stating that the heritable nature of a man has something that always draws him/her to justice, deeds, self-assertion, allowing manifestation of his/her aggression in imposing his/her will.

Research of moral consciousness of a personality in the light of strategies of scientifi and religious interaction (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Pecherskaya Nadexhda - Российский академический журнал , 2015
Retention and continuous formation of humanistic and life-affiming senses demands from the scientifi community not only showing interest to, but also permanent studying the moral consciousness aspect of the personality. In the 1990s almost no attention was paid to the research. Most studies published in this area relate to the 1960s - 1980s. The interest to the subject in the cultural and historical space initially for the Russian science can be traced in two levels - ideological and pragmatic. In the fist case, historically formed principles of the Soviet ideology, documenting the phrases “moral character of a Soviet man” or “communism builder” turned them into voluntary and compulsory model of building horizons of the individual's expectations. On the one hand, requirements reflcted the signs of the Soviet period totalitarianism, on the other hand, they demonstrated the historical background for emergence of the dissident movement in Russia. Its ideological attenuation was associated with the loss of national values, their criticism being the reason of its origin. The loss of the values in the former Soviet Union was justifid by purely pragmatic purposes, excessively activating hedonistic interests. In this context, subsequent simplifiation of communication with a mass audience negates the moral communication in itself. The ideological role of moral knowledge in the national idea development changed as well. Priorities were predominantly set in a descending order, from economically adjusted interests to rather unpopular moral connotations. The opportunity to create a fully justifid, adequate picture of a social life, to evaluate events and phenomena, to develop a personal position and behavior model through the mass media is lost. The natural human desire to live in accordance with metaneeds was suppressed or frustrated, it faced criminalization of the mass media information flw. Self-actualization impossible for a personality exacerbated its metapathology. Plunging in the humanities, in the moral consciousness studies, the elemental approach, according to which comprehension of the whole is performed by the study of its components, dominates. Instantiation of wordings in the system of moral knowledge (ideas, concepts) in combination with value judgments, allow to consider the mass media impact on the mass consciousness in terms of the “moral - immoral”, “spiritual - spiritless” ratios. Thus, we inevitably come into contact with the sphere of not only psychoanalysis, but philosophy, religious ethics. It is in tune with the thesis stating that the heritable nature of a man has something that always draws him/her to justice, deeds, self-assertion, allowing manifestation of his/her aggression in imposing his/her will.

Современный подход к преподаванию русского языка как иностранного в вузе (публикация автора на scipeople)     

The article examines trends in the development of modern language teaching technologies and methodologies based on digital innovations. The digital tools become a core part of computer assisted language learning (CALL) in general and Russian language teaching for foreigners in particular. The author illustrates putting spaced repetition software into practice with the algorithm used by program Anki which makes the process of learning Russian easier and more effective.

Aterosklerozanet.ru (публикация автора на scipeople)      

lidiya - Атеросклерозанет.ru , 2017

Французская революция как зеркало октябрьской: точки соприкосновения на страницах советских школьных учебников (публикация автора на scipeople)   

Уланов Ф. И. - История и современность , 2016
В статье исследуется, какие аспекты Французской революции и по-чему выводились на передний план в тот или иной период в советском школьном курсе истории исходя из того, что Французская революция рассматривалась как закономерный предшественник революции Октябрьской. Также анализируется, в какой степени педагогическая задача превалировала над историческим анализом и описанием революционных событий или, напротив, уступала ему и в какой мере школьные трактовки Французской революции соотносились с отраженными в научной литературе достижениями советской исторической науки. The author considers the issue of some aspects of French Revolution and why they were brought to the foreground during this or that period in the soviet school course of history proceeding from the fact that the French Revolution was considered as a natural predecessor of the October Revolution. It is also analyzed to what extent the educational task prevailed over the historical analysis and the description of revolutionary events or, on the contrary, conceded to it and how far school interpretations of the French Revolution corresponded to the achievements of the soviet historical science reflected in the scientific literature.