The yellowish discoloration of the palms and skin is reported under different terms: xanthodermia, hypercarotenemia, carotenemia, carotenodermia. Yellow discoloration of the skin may be associated with carotenemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, liver disease, and renal dis...
The yellowish discoloration of the palms and skin is reported under different terms: xanthodermia, hypercarotenemia, carotenemia, carotenodermia. Yellow discoloration of the skin may be associated with carotenemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, liver disease, and renal disease, meaning that carotenemia is not synonym with yellow skin, but rather one of the cause. We presented an 8 year-old boy with a yellow discoloration of the palms and soles, observed by the mother 3 weeks prior to medical examination. The discoloration was uniformly distributed, rather symmetrically, no nails changes, just a mild xerosis palmaris on the right hypotenar area. In lab investigations only were: hypercholesterolemia. The final diagnosis was xanthodermia in context of hyperlypoproteinemia type II A.
Anca Chiriac, Anca E. Chiriac, Tudor Pinteala, Elena Gologan, Caius Solovan, Piotr Brzezinski Yellow palms and feet in a child // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 107-0