Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 108   

Символы "свободы" в политических движениях народов Австрийской империи в 1848 - 1849 гг.     

О.В. Павленко - Журнал "Новый исторический вестник" , 2001
О.В. Павленко, Символы "свободы" в политических движениях народов Австрийской империи в 1848 - 1849 гг. // Журнал "Новый исторический вестник", № 4, 2001, http://www.nivestnik.ru/

Римская империя в "эпоху упадка": между мифом и реальностью     

Шкаренков П.П. - Журнал "Новый исторический вестник" , 2004
Шкаренков П.П., Римская империя в "эпоху упадка": между мифом и реальностью // Журнал "Новый исторический вестник", № 11, 2004, http://www.nivestnik.ru/

Воинские идеалы в культуре первой империи и их отражение в костюме     

А. А. Кукушкина - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2000
The article is devoted to the traditional European military-knightly ideals, on which both social and cultural life of the Napoleon's empire was based. The image of the soldier was reflected in a costume of "the Empire", in the extraordinary prestige of the military form, in its influence on a civil costume. The amazing combination of the militarians' cloth uniform and their mistresses' dresses' transparent charm was the style of "the Empire" in fashion 

Происхождение и природа “гонений” на христиан в римской империи во II–III веках     

А. П. Большаков - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2001
The article is dedicated to different ways of literary and philosophic interpretation of religious ”persecutions” in Roman empire in works of early Christian apologists. The importance of ”persecutions” for early Church Fathers lets understand them as a single whole with the literary work of apologists by itself. Christians considered ”persecutions” to be a necessary consequence of their opponents sinful nature, therefore the representation of historical persecutions in works of Church Fathers are inseparable from the Christian perception of the pagan world as a whole. It is characteristic, that so cold ”good emperors” as a part of positive constituent of the pagan heritage are not charged with ”persecutions” in spite of real conflicts. At the same time tyrants and despots are always represented as enemies of Christians 

“Кавказские” солдаты Российской Империи     

А. В. Марыняк - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
This article is devoted to the traditions of regiments of Caucasian military district in the end of XIX- beginning of XX century. It is attempt to reveal some aspects of everyday life, which was rather important to self-identification of officers and soldiers of the Russian Army, such as regimental songs, elements of the uniform etc 

История науки церковного права Российской империи конца XVIII – начала XX вв.     

А. А. Дорская - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
The studying a history of a science of the church rights in Russia is considered in the аrticle. The development of this science was practically interrupted in the Soviet period and it has been revived in the 90-th years of the XX centuries. The events from the end of the XVIII c. to the beginning of the XX c. are considered in the article. The clause contains the periodization of the development of a science of the church right; the main scientific centres are allocated; many systematizations of church right of Russian scholars are analyzed. In the conclusion the author shows that the significant material under the church right was assembled to the beginning of the XX centuries, but the theory of a science of the church right was not generated yet 

О попытках учреждения представительств автономной финляндии в российской империи и за ее пределами     

Л. Е. Лемпияйнен - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
This article deals with the problem of the exterior activity of the Grand Dutchy of Finland in the period of autonomy (up to the beginning of the period of Russification in 1899), namely, the efforts made by Finnish authorities to establish the representatives abroad and the reaction of the Russian government towards such initiatives. The author concludes that in spite of the fact that from the Russian point of view the direction and supervision of any relations of Finland with other countries must be in the hands of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland was allowed a certain freedom of action in questions concerning relations with foreign powers in non-political field. Finland's activities were reflected in appointing unofficial representatives and establishing organisations with certain representative functions. These efforts made by Finnish administrative authorities and commercial circles prepared the road for independent action in this particular field 

Перепись подданных французской империи 1806 г.     

С. В. Богданов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
The article is dedicated to census, conducted according to decree of declaration of war between Russia and France at 1806. The census took stock 2741 foreigners — Frenchmen, Germans, Italians, Swiss, Dutchmen, and etc. Author has carried out statistical analysis of census' results 

Татарская буржуазия российской империи: взаимодействие с обществом и властью (вторая половина xix - начало хх века)     

Салихов Р. Р. - ВАК , 2006
Цель исследования - комплексное изучение торгово-промышленной и общественно-политической деятельности татарского предпринимательства России, ее разностороннего взаимодействия с обществом и государством в сфере проводимых социальных преобразований во второй по-ловине XIX – начале ХХ вв.

Черносотенное движение в российской империи (1901-1914 гг.)     

Омельянчук И. В. - ВАК , 2006
Обращение к истории черносотенного движения дает возможность уточнить расстановку и соотношение сил на политической арене в начале ХХ в. для ответа на вопрос о социально-политической детерминированности политических процессов, проходивших в России на протяжении прошлого столетия, без чего невозможно выработать стратегию дальнейшего развития государства и общества.