Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: Ciliate
Karatayev A. Y., Mastitsky S. E., Molloy D. P., Burlakova L. E.
- Journal of Shellfish Research , 2009
This is the first study to quantify the periodic emergence of a Conchophthirus sp. from its bivalve host. Emergence rates
of C. acuminatus from Dreissena polymolpha over the entire 24-day experiment appeared to be directly correlated with infection
intensity. The rate of ciliate emergence from indiv...
This is the first study to quantify the periodic emergence of a Conchophthirus sp. from its bivalve host. Emergence rates
of C. acuminatus from Dreissena polymolpha over the entire 24-day experiment appeared to be directly correlated with infection
intensity. The rate of ciliate emergence from individual mussels varied considerably throughout the experiment at both 14°C and 21°C.
It was not uncommon to have a sampling period in which no emergence was observed immediately followed by a period of high
emergence, e.g., at 14°Cfrom 0 to 25 ciliates and at 21°C from 0 to 720 ciliates. The total mean number of ciliates that were observed
to have emerged from each mussel during the 24-day experiment was significantly higher at 21°C (207 ciliates/mussel) than at 14°C
(29 ciliates/mussel). Our experiments suggested that C. acuminatus have a short survival period outside their host. Although we
observed a maximum survival period of 144 hr (6 days), most ciJiates died within 48 h.
Journal of Shellfish Research (2003) Volume 22, Issue 1: 495-500