Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 2, для научной тематики: Middle Volga region
Andreychev A.
- E3S Web of Conferences , 2023
The daily and seasonal vocalization of the red fox was traced. Year-round studies were carried out using digital voice recorders. Fox barking was recorded in the frequency range from 700 to 3600 Hz. The cackling of the fox was recorded in the frequency range from 500 to 2500 Hz. Fox calls were recor...
The daily and seasonal vocalization of the red fox was traced. Year-round studies were carried out using digital voice recorders. Fox barking was recorded in the frequency range from 700 to 3600 Hz. The cackling of the fox was recorded in the frequency range from 500 to 2500 Hz. Fox calls were recorded in all seasons of the year, but the most pronounced peaks of prolonged activity in the year were recorded in spring and autumn. The vocal activity of the red fox was noted for the entire period of the study from 17:51 to 01:38. During this period, the total duration of calls in the red fox varied from 34 sec to 27 min per day, 4 min on average. 86% of all call registrations in the region occurred before midnight, the rest (14%) after midnight. Vocalization began after sunset for an average of 2 h 49 min.
Andreychev A. Vocalizations by red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in natural and climatic conditions of Mordovia (Middle Volga region)// E3S Web of Conferences 462, 01004 (2023).
Lapshin A., Andreychev A., Alpeev M., Kuznetsov V.
- Biology Bulletin , 2022
A new method and new techniques are proposed for making artificial nests for Eagle-owls to
increase their population. Artificial nesting sites allow Eagle-owls to hatch their chicks successfully and stay in a certain area. The results of field studies show that one of the decisive factors for large ...
A new method and new techniques are proposed for making artificial nests for Eagle-owls to
increase their population. Artificial nesting sites allow Eagle-owls to hatch their chicks successfully and stay in a certain area. The results of field studies show that one of the decisive factors for large owls is the presence
of a nesting site protected from both bad weather conditions and humans. This method has been tested under conditions of the forest–steppe zone of the Volga region. According to our observations, a special roof and special walls for artificial nesting protect the nest from adverse weather conditions and shedding.
Lapshin A., Andreychev A., Alpeev M., Kuznetsov V. Techniques for making artificial nests for Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo, Strigiformes, Strigidae) to increase their population // Biology Bulletin. 2022. V. 49. № 9. P. 1503–1507.