Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: ГРИД
В.Е. Саваневич, В.Н. Ткачев, В.В. Захаренко, А.Б. Брюховецкий, А.Б. Анненков
- I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Проблемы инфокоммуникаций. Наука и технологии» , 2013
The publication discussed the OLDAS-Colitec’s prospect of using a grid. The program OLDAS-Colitec is based on the original numerical method of collecting light that allows signals to accumulate along the trajectories of objects with unknown parameters of movement, through the use of multi-valued coo...
The publication discussed the OLDAS-Colitec’s prospect of using a grid. The program OLDAS-Colitec is based on the original numerical method of collecting light that allows signals to accumulate along the trajectories of objects with unknown parameters of movement, through the use of multi-valued coordinate transformation. Computational cost of the method to stabilize at an acceptable level by implementing a hierarchical used conversion. Using the program will significantly increase the performance efficiency. The use of Colitec-system in Grid environment is expected to significantly increase the speed of data processing performance. Since a single instance of the handler uses per unit time per processor core, when using 100 cores - the speed of processing an array of data (frames) increases 100 times. A high-speed data practically do not make delay in the transfer of data from the grid nodes - data warehouses. At this stage, Soad goes through the stage of creating a multi-platform version. It is assumed that after this will be a licensing and grid start Colitec-system. Theoretical research in this area is currently being.
Саваневич В.Е. Перспективы использования системы обработки астрономических данных «OLDAS» в грид-среде / В.Е. Саваневич, В.Н. Ткачев, В.В. Захаренко, А.Б. Брюховецкий, А.Б. Анненков // I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Проблемы инфокоммуникаций. Наука и технологии» (PICS&T-2013). Секция "Телекоммуникации в обеспечении развития информационных технологий". - Харьков, ХНУРЭ. - 9-11 октября 2013 г. - C. 44-47.