Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: Dark matter
M.M.Verma and S.D.Pathak
- International Journal of Theoretical Physics (Springer) , 2011
We investigate the tachyonic cosmological potential V () in two
different cases of the quasi-exponential expansion of universe and dis-
cuss various forms of interaction between the two components—matter
and the cosmological constant— of the tachyonic scalar field, which
leads to the viable solutio...
We investigate the tachyonic cosmological potential V () in two
different cases of the quasi-exponential expansion of universe and dis-
cuss various forms of interaction between the two components—matter
and the cosmological constant— of the tachyonic scalar field, which
leads to the viable solutions of their respective energy densities. The
distinction among the interaction forms is shown to appear in the
Om(x) diagnostic. Further, the role of the high- and low-redshift ob-
servations of the Hubble parameter is discussed to determine the pro-
proportionality constants and hence the correct form of matter–cosmological
constant interaction.