Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 405   

Военная социология: проблемы методологической рефлексии     

Беляев А. М. - Журнал "Социологические исследования" , 2002
Беляев А. М., Военная социология: проблемы методологической рефлексии // Журнал "Социологические исследования", № 1, 2002, http://socis.isras.ru/

Векторы изменения военной организации     

Бондаренко В. Ф. - Журнал "Социологические исследования" , 2002
Бондаренко В. Ф., Векторы изменения военной организации // Журнал "Социологические исследования", № 1, 2002, http://socis.isras.ru/

Генерал а.а. фон лампе и его дневник: взгляд на военную эмиграцию     

Е.А. Широкова - Журнал "Новый исторический вестник" , 2000
Е.А. Широкова, Генерал А.А. фон Лампе и его дневник: взгляд на военную эмиграцию // Журнал "Новый исторический вестник", № 2, 2000, http://www.nivestnik.ru/

Ершов в.ф. российское военно-политическое зарубежье в 1918 - 1945 гг. м.: мгу сервиса, 2000. - 294 с.     

Голотик С.И.,Зимина В.Д.,Карпенко С.В. - Журнал "Новый исторический вестник" , 2002
Голотик С.И.,Зимина В.Д.,Карпенко С.В., Ершов В.Ф. Российское военно-политическое зарубежье в 1918 - 1945 гг. М.: МГУ сервиса, 2000. - 294 с. // Журнал "Новый исторический вестник", № 7, 2002, http://www.nivestnik.ru/

"Зимняя война": работа над ошибками (апрель - май 1940 г.): Материалы комиссий Главного военного совета Красной Армии по обобщению опыта финской кампании. М.;СПб.: Летний сад, 2004. - 560 с.     

Киличенков А.А. - Журнал "Новый исторический вестник" , 2005
Киличенков А.А., "Зимняя война": работа над ошибками (апрель - май 1940 г.): Материалы комиссий Главного военного совета Красной Армии по обобщению опыта финской кампании. М.;СПб.: Летний сад, 2004. - 560 с. // Журнал "Новый исторический вестник", № 12, 2005, http://www.nivestnik.ru/

Быт чинов морского ведомства при порт-артуре в 1904 году. очерк истории военной повседневности     

А. В. Лысев - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 1999
The article is devoted to unexplored aspect of the russian-japanese war of 1904-1905 — to the history of military everyday life. The attempt to reveal and analyse some typological aspects of this day-to-day routine is undertaken on an example of the lowest military grades and offeicers of the Naval Department based in Port Arthur during the military actions. Some of the aspects mentioned can be used for the broader characteristic of the structure of the ordinary life of this and some other military campaigns 

Российско-китайские отношения на дальнем востоке в 60-70 гг. xix в. и роль военно-морского флота     

А. В. Чистый - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
This article is devoted to some problems of shaping and development of external policy of Russia in Far Eastern. It describes international relations between Russia and China and the navy's role in the 60-70 y. of the XIX century. That theme concludes foreign affairs and naval policy between Russia and China. These problems were extremely topical for our countries in the II part of the XIX century and so they are discussed in this issue. These problems are particularly interesting so that Russian and foreign scholars have not extensively studied them. This research is devoted to the role of the first special squadron in the Pacific Ocean and to their further development and reinforcement in co-ordination with the foreign and naval policy of Russia and adjoining countries in the Pacific Ocean region 

Центральный военно-промышленный комитет после октября 1917 года     

Р. А. Кулагин - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2002
The article devotes to the history of the TcVPK after the October 1917. The activity of the Committee at this period was aimed at the demobilization of the property unnecessary for the army and the navy and they managed to achieve some positive results in this direction. At the same time, after the Bolsheviks took power there was the actual problem of possibility of saving the Committee in its previous form. Members of TsVPK, mainly its leaders, was trying both to save the Committee as a public organization and to arrange the cooperation with the Soviet power. However in March 1918 the Fourth Meeting of the Committee members took place. As a result of this Meeting the Committee was put under control of the VSNKh and was renamed as Central National Industrial Committee (TsNPK). After appropriation the property of the Committee by local SNKh and Soviets the Committee was abolished in December 1918 

Повседневная жизнь военно-морского флота в период Средиземноморской экспедиции под командованием Д.Н.Сенявина (1805–1809 гг.)     

К. В. Качурина-архиповская - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2005
Military and political themes were always the and often the only spheres of study. Not less important and interesting, but little most important in literature, studied is the history of everyday life and manners of Russian sailors. In the article the author examined way of life at the Russian Navy at the end of XVIII and the beginning of XIX century and its peculiarities at the squadron of vice-admiral D.N.Senyavin. Sources, first of all documents from the Russian State Archive of the Navy, and expedition participant's memories contain in researching the history of the Russian Navy valuable materials on this question 

Российское и английское военное присутствие в персии в годы первой мировой войны     

В. В. Михайлов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2005
The article is devoted to the questions of the Russian-British military and political cooperation on the Middle East in the period 1914-1917. This region which was the most difficult question in the policy of England and Russia in the end of XIX – beginning of XX century, became at the end the only war theatre where the strategically cooperation of the both allies came to the positive results. Germanturkish forces where destroyed and Persia didn't enter the WW I