Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 505   

Дворянские семьи второй половины XIX – начала XX вв. в поисках «монаршей милости» (по материалам Канцелярии его императорского величества по принятию прошений)     

В. А. Веременко - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
In the article are investigated the different private problems of nobiliary family being a subject of consideration of Russian emperors in XIX, the beginning XX centuries. The material handicapping and personal circumstances forcing noblemen to address to the chief and ask help. The practice of granting by the monarch of the money help to noblemen, condition of obtaining. By the material partners for separate lives, organization of legalization adoption of children and other aspects activity of Commissions is investigated. The frame of this Commission and its activity at the second half XIX – beginning XX centuries are characterized. And we made a conclusioned influencing of the way of the solution of family problems of nobility on political and legal culture of Russian company 

Церковно-политическая история российской провинции начала хх в. в лицах: епископ саратовский и царицынский гермоген (г.е.долганов)     

О. Н. Савицкая - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2004
The article is devoted to the life and activity of one of the most outstanding religiouspolitical activists of Russian province at the beginning of XX century the bishop of Saratov and Tsarytsin Hermogene (G.E.Dolganov) (1858–1918). Through the prism of his bright, extraordinary and contradictory personality one can get a more many-sided idea of the eventful years of the first Russian revolution (1905–1907), radical transformations of social, political, and religions system of imperial Russia of the time. The anther's attention is focused, not so much on the processes of intra-church development, as on the novel phenomena of polarization of Russian orthodox church, its integration into Russian social-political process. The article analyses joint activities of the conservative part of church reform movement end right monarchist political forces in the country; foundation of joint public-religions organizations, such as all-Russian orthodox brotherly union of Russia people 

Музеи гренадерских и пехотных полков русской армии конца XIX – начала XX в.     

И. В. Хохлов - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2005
The article is devoted to the history of appearance and development of Grenadier and Infantry regiment's museums in the Russian Imperial Army (2nd half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries). The reasons and preconditions of their origin, structure, collection's composition and sources and the history of them during the Soviet ages are researched 

Особенности градостроительного развития Ленинграда 1930-х – начала 1940-х гг.     

И. Ю. Батурко - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2005
The article is devoted to the general Leningrad town-planning scheme of 1935. The scheme was supposed to tackle the city's important town-planning problems of the thirties and the early forties of the last century. In the paper, the analysis of whether this problem-solving was really relevant and successful is carried out from the modern historical and urban planning points of view. Particular attention, at the same time, is paid to the contemporary ideology and its influence both on the general town-planning scheme realization and city infrastructure transformations. We base our analysis on some documents of the St.Petersburg Central State Archive and the Central Research State Archive 

Средние технические училища и проблема подготовки промышленных кадров в россии в к. ХIХ — нач. ХХ века     

Я. В. Блавацкая - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 1999
The “Basic regulations for industrial colleges” of 1898 laid a foundation of the system of industrial education in Russia. The new approach to training specialists for industry was meant to assist in solving new economic tasks the government and the enterprises had to face at the beginning of the 20th century. But for a number of reasons this approach was never fulfilled successfully. These reasons were of both social and economic nature and all of them were connected closely with the peculiarities of the model of economic modernization and capitalist industrialization chosen by Russia 

О женском регистре щегольского наречия конца XVIII — начала XIX века     

А. А. Ефремова - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2001
The subject of this article is woman's language (more precisely — woman's variant of so called dandified dialect) in the concept of its influence upon the russian language literary norm forming in the end of XVIIIth — beginning of XIXth century 

William Babell: Английский композитор в интерьере начала XVIII века     

О. А. Комок - Вестник Молодых Ученых , 2001
According to traditional European music historiography, beginning of the 18 th century in English music signifies coming of the two-century epoch of silence. At the same time, London music life of that time (often named as ) boiled up as never before. Studying of life and works of typical London musician of the beginning of the 18 th century — William Babell (c. 1690-1723) — allows to discover in individual refraction important aspects of general music processes, which gave rise to conception of the epoch of silence 

Инициации "россиян" 25 тысяч лет назад (позднепалеолитические начала отечественной педагогики)     

Золин Петр Михайлович - Образование: исследовано в мире , 2004
Золин Петр Михайлович, Инициации "россиян" 25 тысяч лет назад (позднепалеолитические начала отечественной педагогики) // Образование: исследовано в мире [Электрон. ресурс]. -M.: oim.ru, 2004-01-25, http://www.oim.ru/

Преобразования в практике воспитания и обучения второй половины xix начала xx века в борисоглебском уезде     

Максименко Надежда Васильевна - Образование: исследовано в мире , 2005
Максименко Надежда Васильевна, Преобразования в практике воспитания и обучения второй половины XIX начала XX века в Борисоглебском уезде // Образование: исследовано в мире [Электрон. ресурс]. -M.: oim.ru, 2005-01-23, http://www.oim.ru/

Возникновение и развитие епархиальных женских училищ в россии (середина xix - начало xx века)     

Андреева Евгения Анатольевна - Образование: исследовано в мире , 2000
Андреева Евгения Анатольевна, Возникновение и развитие епархиальных женских училищ в России (середина XIX - начало XX века) // Образование: исследовано в мире [Электрон. ресурс]. -M.: oim.ru, 2000-12-07, http://www.oim.ru/