Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 6, для научной тематики: Miocene
Zelenkov, N.V.
- Paleontological Journal , 2012
A new relatively large duck, Chenoanas deserta gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality, which is morphologically intermediate between the extant genera Chenonetta and Tachyeres, is described. The diversity of Early and Middle Miocene ducks is discussed. It is noted that some ...
A new relatively large duck, Chenoanas deserta gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality, which is morphologically intermediate between the extant genera Chenonetta and Tachyeres, is described. The diversity of Early and Middle Miocene ducks is discussed. It is noted that some Middle Miocene duck remains are incorrectly referred to the genus Mionetta. The distribution of morphological characters of the humerus in Neogene and extant ducks shows that the present day diversity of ducks apparently results from extinction of some taxa which were formed in the Oligocene-Early Miocene. The distribution of morphological characters in the evolution of diving ducks is evidence that not only the formation of different morphotypes but also so-called “evolutionary maturation” of taxa also explains the modern diversity.
Paleontological Journal, 2012. Vol. 46(5): 520-530
Zelenkov, N.V., Kurochkin, E.N.
, 2012
A new genus and two new species of ducks (Aves: Anatidae) from the Middle Miocene Sharga
locality are described. Mioquerquedula minutissima gen. et sp. nov. is a very small duck. Anas velox Milne
Edwards, 1868 from the Middle Miocene of France is transferred to the genus Mioquerquedula. Aix praecla...
A new genus and two new species of ducks (Aves: Anatidae) from the Middle Miocene Sharga
locality are described. Mioquerquedula minutissima gen. et sp. nov. is a very small duck. Anas velox Milne
Edwards, 1868 from the Middle Miocene of France is transferred to the genus Mioquerquedula. Aix praeclara
sp. nov. described here is the oldest record of the modern genus Aix. A revision of the previously described
small duck Anas soporata Kurochkin, 1976 shows that only the specimens from the Sharga locality should be
referred to this species. The status of other small ducks from the Neogene of Europe and North America is
discussed. The diversity of herbivorous and diving ducks in the Sharga locality indicates that Miocene
Shargyn Govi Lake was rich in food resources.
Paleontological Journal. V. 46(4): 421-429.
Zelenkov N.V.
- Paleontological Journal , 2011
A new heron species, Ardea sytchevskayae sp. nov., from the Middle Miocene Sharga locality is
described. The new species is represented by an almost complete coracoid and a few partial coracoids, partial
scapula, and caprometacarpus. A. sytchevskayae was a relatively large heron, of the same size as...
A new heron species, Ardea sytchevskayae sp. nov., from the Middle Miocene Sharga locality is
described. The new species is represented by an almost complete coracoid and a few partial coracoids, partial
scapula, and caprometacarpus. A. sytchevskayae was a relatively large heron, of the same size as A. alba, and
intermediate in morphology between A. alba and other species traditionally included in this genus. In addition,
the Sharga locality has yielded a large bittern and a medium-sized heron of uncertain taxonomic position.
Paleontological journal Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 572–579.
Zelenkov N.V.
- Paleontological Journal , 2011
Medium sized diving ducks from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality (western Mongolia)
are described. Sharganetta mongolica gen. et sp. nov. and Nogusunna conflictoides gen. et sp. nov. are evolutionary more advanced than the thoroughly studied Early Miocene genus Mionetta, but more primitive t...
Medium sized diving ducks from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality (western Mongolia)
are described. Sharganetta mongolica gen. et sp. nov. and Nogusunna conflictoides gen. et sp. nov. are evolutionary more advanced than the thoroughly studied Early Miocene genus Mionetta, but more primitive than
Anatinae and Oxyurinae. The humeral morphology gives evidence of an aberrant position of the two new genera. Another taxon, Protomelanitta gracilis gen. et sp. nov. presumably belongs to basal Mergini.
Paleontological Journal. 2011. V. 45. No. 2. P. 191-199.
Зеленков Н.В.
, 2011
Получен таксономический состав птиц из средне-
миоценового местонахождения Шарга (самого богатого по числу таксонов
неогенового местонахождения Азии). Кроме того, изучены новые материалы
по неогеновым местонахождениям Хиргис-Нур 2, Чоно-Хариах 1 и 2, Шамар
и Береговая. В результате данной работы...
Получен таксономический состав птиц из средне-
миоценового местонахождения Шарга (самого богатого по числу таксонов
неогенового местонахождения Азии). Кроме того, изучены новые материалы
по неогеновым местонахождениям Хиргис-Нур 2, Чоно-Хариах 1 и 2, Шамар
и Береговая. В результате данной работы установлено 16 новых родов и 23
новых вида птиц, уточнено систематическое положение ряда ранее описан-
ных форм. Впервые в неогене обнаружены 5 современных родов птиц. Всего
авифауна изученной территории в миоцене насчитывает теперь 57, а в плио-
цене – 69 форм птиц.
Получены первые обширные данные о неогеновых сообществах воробьи-
нообразных птиц в Азии по материалам из местонахождений Шарга, Береговая
и Шамар.
Новые материалы позволяют реконструировать эволюцию некоторых
групп и сообществ птиц в отдельные эпохи неогена на территории Центральной
Азии. На примере воробьинообразных и фазановых птиц показано изменение
ландшафтных условий на территории Центральной Азии от среднего миоцена
к позднему плиоцену.
Автореферат... дисс. к.б.н. 2011. М: ПИН РАН.
N.V. Zelenkov, E.N. Kurochkin
- Paleontological Journal , 2009
A new genus, Tologuica, with two species (T. aurorae sp. nov. and T. karhui sp. nov.), from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality (western Mongolia) is described. The new genus shares some characters with the extinct genera Palaeocryptonyx, Palaeortyx, and Plioperdix and with extant Coturnix. Th...
A new genus, Tologuica, with two species (T. aurorae sp. nov. and T. karhui sp. nov.), from the Middle Miocene of the Sharga locality (western Mongolia) is described. The new genus shares some characters with the extinct genera Palaeocryptonyx, Palaeortyx, and Plioperdix and with extant Coturnix. The foot structure suggests that Tologuica resembled in ecology the European genus Palaeortyx and was probably adapted to an arboreal mode of life, in contrast to the terrestrial Coturnix and Plioperdix.
Paleontological Journal. 2009. V. 43 (2): 208-215.