Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: Seasonal rhyth m
Andreychev A., Zhalilov А.
- Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences , 2017
The article presents the characteristics of the ground daily and seasonal activity of the local steppe marmot populations scattered in the north of the area in central part of European Russia. Revealed the alternation of single-phase and two-phase loops terrestrial activity Marmota bobak during the ...
The article presents the characteristics of the ground daily and seasonal activity of the local steppe marmot populations scattered in the north of the area in central part of European Russia. Revealed the alternation of single-phase and two-phase loops terrestrial activity Marmota bobak during the spring-summer period. For April and June marked single-phase active and revealed a biphasic activity for May, July and August. On average, marmots come out of the holes in the morning 28 minutes after sunrise. They hide in burrows marmots in the evenings, on average 1 hour 16 minutes before sunset.
Andreychev A., Zhalilov А. Daily and seasonal activity patterns in steppe marmot (Marmota bobak, Sciuridae, Rodentia) in central part of European Russia // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2017. 8(2). P. 787–794.