Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 5, для научной тематики: Classification
Левкин Г.Г., Чувикова В.В.
, 2016
The process of supply chain management is a tool that enhances the competitive advantages of their members, so is one of the most pressing issues of modern management. Influence of logistic risks on management of a chain of deliveries have great value. Features of classification of logistic risks a...
The process of supply chain management is a tool that enhances the competitive advantages of their members, so is one of the most pressing issues of modern management. Influence of logistic risks on management of a chain of deliveries have great value. Features of classification of logistic risks are presented in this article in chains of deliveries.
Левкин Г.Г. Особенности классификации логистических рисков в управлении цепями поставок / Г.Г. Левкин, В.В. Чувикова // Глобальная трансформация национальных рыночных систем в ходе формирования экономики знаний. Мат. междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Часть 2. Хабаровск: РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2013. С. 269-274.
Lapteva Е.А., Kozlova I.V., Myalina J.N., Pakhomova A.N.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
Article focuses on the intestinal polyps. Intestinal polyps are considered to be obligatory precancerous diseases of the colon. Risk factors, epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic methods of polyps have been analyzed. The courses of treatment of colon polyps have been revealed....
Article focuses on the intestinal polyps. Intestinal polyps are considered to be obligatory precancerous diseases of the colon. Risk factors, epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic methods of polyps have been analyzed. The courses of treatment of colon polyps have been revealed.
Lapteva Е.А., Kozlova I.V., Myalina J.N., Pakhomova A.N. Colon polyps: epidemiology, risk factors, diagnostic criteria and courses of treatment // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 252-259
Іщенко, О.С.
- Діалог мов – діалог культур. Україна і світ. Матеріали І Міжнародної науково-практичної Інтернет-конференції з україністики. Мюнхен , 2011
the Ukrainian vowels classification as one of the most fundamental issue in Ukrainian Phonetics is proposed in the study. Vowels are classified according spectrum analysis detected differential characteristics of sounds....
the Ukrainian vowels classification as one of the most fundamental issue in Ukrainian Phonetics is proposed in the study. Vowels are classified according spectrum analysis detected differential characteristics of sounds.
Kolokolov O.V., Sholomov I.I., Bakulev A.L., Kravchenya S.S., Kolokolova A.M.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The study involved 1315 patients with various forms of syphilis. In 282 patients neurosyphilis was diagnosed. The detailed description of clinical picture of disease and the results of laboratory studies are given. Questions of tactics of medical examination, modern classification of neurosyphilis f...
The study involved 1315 patients with various forms of syphilis. In 282 patients neurosyphilis was diagnosed. The detailed description of clinical picture of disease and the results of laboratory studies are given. Questions of tactics of medical examination, modern classification of neurosyphilis forms are discussed. The actions are discussed, allowing to increase probability of a favorable outcome of disease
Kolokolov O.V., Sholomov I.I., Bakulev A.L., Kravchenya S.S., Kolokolova A.M. Neurosyphilis: problems of diagnostics and classification // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 632-636
Boris Yangel
- Proceedings of GraphiCon'09 , 2009
An approach to the acceleration of parametric weak classifier boosting
is proposed. Weak classifier is called parametric if it has fixed
number of parameters and, therefore, can be represented as a point
in multidimensional space. Genetic algorithm is used to learn parameters
of such classifier. Pro...
An approach to the acceleration of parametric weak classifier boosting
is proposed. Weak classifier is called parametric if it has fixed
number of parameters and, therefore, can be represented as a point
in multidimensional space. Genetic algorithm is used to learn parameters
of such classifier. Proposed approach also takes cases
when effective algorithm for learning some of the classifier parameters
exists into account. Experiments confirm that such an
approach can dramatically decrease classifier training time while
keeping both training and test errors small, at least for some widely
used pattern recognition algorithms.