Molecular markers of destruction of periodontal tissue and alveolar bone belong to the mediators, participating in maintenance of chronic inflammatory process in the clinical attachment. Purpose: To reveal changes of cytokine profile of gingival fluid and proliferative activity of cells of gum at pa...
Molecular markers of destruction of periodontal tissue and alveolar bone belong to the mediators, participating in maintenance of chronic inflammatory process in the clinical attachment. Purpose: To reveal changes of cytokine profile of gingival fluid and proliferative activity of cells of gum at patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases. Material and methods. Immunohistochemical research of biopsy gum material of 70 patients with periodontal disease with monoclonal antibodies: Ki-67 (marker of proliferative activity of cells), Bcl-2 (apoptosis marker); method of the solid-phase immunofermental analysis for level definition interleukin -6, 10, 12, 18 in gingival fluid (about — and anti-inflammatory markers). Results. It is shown that level definition of cytokines in gingival fluid allows to monitor the activity of the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues, and the morphometric analysis of periodontal cells reflects degree of its weight. Conclusion. The use of molecular markers in inspection of patients with periodontal disease is the informative method, allowing to predict development and course of chronic periodontal disease.
Ostrovskaya L.U., Beybulatov G.D., Khanina A.I., Mogila А.Р., Katkhanova L.S. Modern immunomorphological aspects of diagnostics of periodontal diseases // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 453-456