Objective — To identify quantitative changes of the deuterium content, the intensity of free radical oxidation and antioxidant status of the blood system, as well as the effect of water with a modified isotope composition with low deuterium content on indicators of free radical oxidation of tissues ...
Objective — To identify quantitative changes of the deuterium content, the intensity of free radical oxidation and antioxidant status of the blood system, as well as the effect of water with a modified isotope composition with low deuterium content on indicators of free radical oxidation of tissues in laboratory animals under physiological conditions and in inflammatory processes.
Materials and methods — The object of the study was blood and homogenates of organs (liver, kidney) of male rats. The basis of the model of oxidative stress was a well-known model of wound healing proposed by L.A. Mamedov based on the surgical treatment of abscess model, and we performed its modification in the course of experimental studies. Determination of deuterium concentration in the plasma was carried out using nuclear magnetic resonance. The method of luminol-dependent H2O2-induced chemiluminescence was used for the detection of relatively unstable chemically active radicals in the plasma. Stable radicals detect by the EPR spectrometry.
Results and Conclusion — Thus, it should be noted that blood plasma demonstrates reliable reduction in deuterium concentration when using deuterium depleted water that continues until the values of 90-100 ppm thereafter remaining practically unchanged. At the same time, deuterium depleted water affects prooxidant-antioxidant system of the body reducing the intensity of free radical oxidation and restoring the capacity of the endogenous antioxidant system.
Oxana Artsybasheva, Ekaterina Barysheva, Denis Shashkov, Roman Vlasov, Elena Tekutskaya Changes of oxidation during use the food diet with deuterium depleted water in laboratory animals with purulent inflammation // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 201-0