In the scientific literature, there is no single interpretation of the term «financial mechanism.» Therefore, the definition of a financial mechanism
serves the main purpose of our work.
Raised in this article, the problem studied in the works of a number of domestic and foreign economists...
In the scientific literature, there is no single interpretation of the term «financial mechanism.» Therefore, the definition of a financial mechanism
serves the main purpose of our work.
Raised in this article, the problem studied in the works of a number of domestic and foreign economists L. Braginsky, V. Bocharov, I. Grishina,
T. Denisova, G. Eghiazarian, B. Efimova, I. Zhuravkova, V. Ivanitskogo, E. Elias, A. Cossack, V. Krasowski, M. Kreynin, E. Cups, E. Melnikova, E.
Mikhailova, W. Mikkova, G. Nikitina, A. Pilipenko, I. Roisman, V. Rybin, V. Rozhkov, A. Hachaturina.
This paper analyzes the theoretical approaches to the definition of financial and investment mechanism. Also examined the mechanism of formation
and use savings of economic agents, and the structure of the mechanism of formation and use savings.
Thus, we came to the conclusions that the consumption of household savings is organized through the financial mechanism and organizing consumer
spending ( consumption mechanism ) .
The magnitude of long-term investments that are resistant to fluctuations in world financial markets , depends on the investment activity of the
population. Therefore, the concept of stimulation of investment activity in the economy is formulated based on the use of household savings . One
important element of this concept is the formation and use of PPM savings of the population , since the value of sustainable, intensive investment
flows depends on the efficiency of this mechanism.
Vasilіy Prodan Summary financial and investment mechanism // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 0-0