Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 4, для научной тематики: Traffic
Garkusha S., Andrushko Yu, Lemeshko O.
- World Telecommunications Congress 2014 (WTC 2014) , 2014
The results of development a mathematical model for capacity allocation downlink technology WiMAX. The novelty of the proposed model is possible preventive limit transmission rate allocated to the service flows of the user stations in the downlink by using the WiMAX technology linear or linear-quadr...
The results of development a mathematical model for capacity allocation downlink technology WiMAX. The novelty of the proposed model is possible preventive limit transmission rate allocated to the service flows of the user stations in the downlink by using the WiMAX technology linear or linear-quadratic objective function. It is shown that the use of a linear-quadratic objective function in comparison with the linear, can produce a more equitable management of requests based on the relative priorities. The analysis of known methods for dividing the time-frequency resource WiMAX technology showed that they all focus on the distribution between the subscriber stations all bandwidth downlink. The model proposed is directed to the allocation of each user station a guaranteed bit rate in the absence of overload downlink as well as the preventive rate limiting allocated user stations under overload conditions. Using the mathematical model is directed to distribution between subscriber stations of a time-frequency resource of the downlink, which in turn improves the conditions in the electromagnetic frequency range used. The influence of the priority request rate used in the model, the nature of the possible failures.
Garkusha S., Andrushko Yu, Lemeshko O. Analysis Results of WIMAX Dowlink Traffic Management Model In Congestion Conditions // Proceedings of World Telecommunications Congress 2014 (WTC 2014). Berlin, Germany. 1-3 June 2014. Publisher: VDE. - P. 1-4.
Alexander V Lemeshko, Ali Salem Ali, Zaid A Sabeeh
- International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing, Vol. 2(1) , 2012
The paper presents the flow-based models that were designed for solving dynamic
queues balancing problem on the telecommunication network routers. Within the models the
problem of queue balancing was reduced to solution of the linear and nonlinear
programming optimization problems. By using fl...
The paper presents the flow-based models that were designed for solving dynamic
queues balancing problem on the telecommunication network routers. Within the models the
problem of queue balancing was reduced to solution of the linear and nonlinear
programming optimization problems. By using flow-based models with varying degrees of
accounting parameters of transmitted flows the research of the queue balancing process
was performed.
Alexander V Lemeshko, Ali Salem Ali, Zaid A Sabeeh. Researching and Designing of the Dynamic Flow-Based Queue Balancing Models on Telecommunication Network Routers // International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing, Vol. 2(1), April 2012. - 47-51.
Бобрицкий С.М.
- Проблеми телекомунікацій , 2011
Предложенный в статье метод VqMW относится к семейству E-model и может быть использован при оценке качества передачи речевого трафика в условиях группирования потерь речевых пакетов и высокого уровня джиттера однопутевых задержек....
Предложенный в статье метод VqMW относится к семейству E-model и может быть использован при оценке качества передачи речевого трафика в условиях группирования потерь речевых пакетов и высокого уровня джиттера однопутевых задержек.
Бобрицкий С.М. Алгоритм оценки качества передачи речи с анализом характеристик эффективных потерь пакетов на основе вейвлет-преобразования // Проблеми телекомунікацій, Vol. 2011, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 95-107
Popovsky Vl., Lemeshko A.
- Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science / Proceedings of conference International TCSET’2004 / Lviv-Slavsko. 2004. , 2004
In this paper, an approach to the multitensor description of telecommunication network attending for a great amount of user traffics being transmitted between the multitude of network units is considered. In order to provide the multiple-aspect description of the telecommunication network (TCN), its...
In this paper, an approach to the multitensor description of telecommunication network attending for a great amount of user traffics being transmitted between the multitude of network units is considered. In order to provide the multiple-aspect description of the telecommunication network (TCN), its mathematical model is represented as a mixed-dimensional geometric object - a multitensor. Owing to happy choice of coordinate systems for multitensor representation, it is possible to simplify significantly formalization and computation of a number of important network problems of the TCN analysis and synthesis.
Popovsky Vl., Lemeshko A. Multitensor Model of the Telecommunication Network // Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science / Proceedings of conference International TCSET’2004 / Lviv-Slavsko. 2004. PP. 323-325.