Связанные научные тематики:

 Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: BALB/c mice


The subcutaneous inoculation of pH 6 antigen mutants of Yersinia pestis does not affect virulence and immune response in mice (публикация автора на scipeople)     

Anisimov AP, Bakhteeva IV, Panfertsev EA, Svetoch TE, Kravchenko TB, Platonov ME, Titareva GM, Kombarova TI, Ivanov SA, Rakin AV, Amoako KK, Dentovskaya SV - J Med Microbiol. , 2009
Two isogenic sets of Yersinia pestis strains were generated, composed of wild-type strains 231 and I-1996, their non-polar pH 6(-) mutants with deletions in the psaA gene that codes for its structural subunit or the whole operon, as well as strains with restored ability for temperature- and pH-depen...