Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 2, для научной тематики: ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL
Julia Palamar
- The Russian Academic Journal , 2013
The author conducted an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of large commodity agricultural production. The article shows the results
of a study teaching the basics of building econometric models. The author defined group of methods and models to improve the management of
The author conducted an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of large commodity agricultural production. The article shows the results
of a study teaching the basics of building econometric models. The author defined group of methods and models to improve the management of
industrial production of milk on large commodity complexes.
Julia Palamar Economic-mathematical methods and models in large commodity management complex // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 0-0
Дасив А.Ф., Дворниченко М.В., Шматько О.Е.
- Сложные системы и процессы , 2010
Обоснована возможность использования комплекса экономико-математических моделей прогнозирования последствий влияния бюджетно-налоговой политики государства на экономику областей Украины на основе параллельных вычислений на распределенных грид-кластерах.
It is grounded a possibility of using of ec...
Обоснована возможность использования комплекса экономико-математических моделей прогнозирования последствий влияния бюджетно-налоговой политики государства на экономику областей Украины на основе параллельных вычислений на распределенных грид-кластерах.
It is grounded a possibility of using of economic and mathematical models system on the basis of parallel computing on distributed grid clusters to forecast the effects of fiscal policy influence on the economy of Ukrainian regions.