Possible employment of oxide nanostructures in medicine demands elucidation of their negative effects on various systems of a human organism. In particular, in this paper the experimental results of investigation of interaction of Ag, Cu, Fe, and Pt nanostructures water dispersions (NWD), which were...
Possible employment of oxide nanostructures in medicine demands elucidation of their negative effects on various systems of a human organism. In particular, in this paper the experimental results of investigation of interaction of Ag, Cu, Fe, and Pt nanostructures water dispersions (NWD), which were produced by means the treatment of water by pulsed electric discharges (PED), with serum of human blood (HBS), are presented. The goal of the investigation was to determine connection between the properties of the nanostructures and peculiarities of their interactions with the human blood serum (HBS) as highly concentrated solutions of macromolecules. It was found that albuminous and lipoprotein structures of HBS are agglutinated on surface of the nanoparticles, forming upper molecule complexes. Thus, the higher the concentration of nanoparticles in joint dispersion is, the larger complexes are formed. At early stages of the process rather small complexes of albuminous and immunoglobulins are formed, then lipoproteins are agglutinated, and finally, large complexes of hydrodynamic radius (Rh) more than 2 μm are formed.
High Temperature Material Processes, 2009, Volume 13 / Issue 3-4, pp. 325-334