Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 1, для научной тематики: Support institutions
Леонова Ю. А.
- Девятый международный форум студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых стран АТР (26-31 Октябрь 2009 г.) / Отв. ред. В. С. Заболотский – Владивосток: Издательство ДВГТУ, 2009. – с. 152-156 , 2009
The aim of this paper is to examine possibility of the integrated industrial complex creation, including enterprises of extractive and manufacturing industries in Khabarovsk territory. Formation of the industrial complex is based on organizational and technological interactions and complementarity b...
The aim of this paper is to examine possibility of the integrated industrial complex creation, including enterprises of extractive and manufacturing industries in Khabarovsk territory. Formation of the industrial complex is based on organizational and technological interactions and complementarity between enterprises and their vertical and horizontal integration into cluster. Proposed method of industry restructuring results in the fact that the period of innovation implementation into production is reduced, recourse potential of the territory is used more effectively, finite-purposed reproduction cycles are formed.