Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 2, для научной тематики: Osteopenia
A.A. Svistunov, A.V. Ruta, O.V. Shevchenko
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
Multiple myeloma is one of the most widespread hemoblastosis. In the structure of oncohematology it takes up about 10%. It follows with destruction of bones and results in lethal outcome. Ostealgia’s syndrome is leading in more than 70% of patients at the beginning of this medical condition. Damage ...
Multiple myeloma is one of the most widespread hemoblastosis. In the structure of oncohematology it takes up about 10%. It follows with destruction of bones and results in lethal outcome. Ostealgia’s syndrome is leading in more than 70% of patients at the beginning of this medical condition. Damage of the skeleton is found at 80% of patients by means of X-ray. Patients suffer from decrease of osseous tissue mineral density and increase in level markers of osseous resorption and elaboration (bones acid and alcaline phosphatases, desoxypiridoline). These indices can be used as predictors of efficiency and safety of treatment of osteopenia in patients with multiple myeloma
A.A. Svistunov, A.V. Ruta, O.V. Shevchenko Peculiarities of bone metabolism in patients with multiple myeloma // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 48-52
L.A. Osipova, S.I. Bogoslovskaya, T.V. Shelehova, N.E. Nikiforova
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The purpose of present research wras definition of frequency of osteopenia development in children with chronic pyelonephritis and optimization of pharmacological correction of revealed disorders. 121 children with chronic pyelonephritis and normal glomerular filtration rate were included in the inv...
The purpose of present research wras definition of frequency of osteopenia development in children with chronic pyelonephritis and optimization of pharmacological correction of revealed disorders. 121 children with chronic pyelonephritis and normal glomerular filtration rate were included in the investigation. Mineral density of bone tissue, biochemical parameters of bone remodeling, cytokine profiles were examined. 3 varients of therapy were used. Control period lasted 12 months. Clinical predictors of osteopenia were indicated. The increased biochemical parameters of bone resorption, IL-6, IL-4, OPG were revealed in chidren with chronic pyelonephritis, the indices were higher in case of osteopenia. The article concluded that the most effective treatment scheme included the use of 3 medicines with different effects
L.A. Osipova, S.I. Bogoslovskaya, T.V. Shelehova, N.E. Nikiforova Оptimization of pharmacotherapy of osteopenia in children with chronic pyelonephritis // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 43-45