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 Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 3, для научной тематики: Alcoholic liver disease


New data on alcoholic liver disease (публикация автора на scipeople)     

A.A. Antonyan, E.I. Kashkina, R.V. Lyakisheva - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The review of recent data is presented in the article. it concerns pathogenesis, course, progressing of pathologic process in liver, methods of treatment of patients with alcoholic liver disease...

Important issues of alcoholic liver disease prognosis (публикация автора на scipeople)     

S.P. Sernov, V.B. Lifshitz, Yu.I. Skvortsov, V.G. Subbotina, A.G. Martynova, L.S. Sulkovskaya, V.I. Shulgin, L.A. Suchilina - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
Alcoholic liver disease prognosis has not been thoroughly developed yet. The possibility of morphologic prognosis has been limited due to disadvantages of liver biopsy. Insignificant amount of studies is devoted to laboratory methods. prognosis value of serum markers of liver fibrosis at the last ci...

Epidemiology Of Alcoholic Liver Disease (публикация автора на scipeople)     

С.П. Сернов, В.Б. Лифшиц, В.Т. Субботина, Н.Ю. Папшицкая, А.Г. Мартынова, К.Г. Аредаков В.И. Шульгин - Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2009
One of the main factors of chronic liver disease is alcohol. The level of alcoholic liver disease incidence and cirrhosis mortality has increased considerably in the recent years in many countries. The risk of development and disease progression are determined by the effect of endogenous and exogeno...