Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 4, для научной тематики: Cirrhosis
V.V. Ovsyannikova, I.V. Kozlova
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The aim of the article is to study frequency and expressiveness of clinico-morphological and dysbiotic intestinal changes in cirrhosis and to estimate its interrelation with manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy. 146 patients with cirrhosis ages 20 to 70 years have been examined. The cirrhosis ha...
The aim of the article is to study frequency and expressiveness of clinico-morphological and dysbiotic intestinal changes in cirrhosis and to estimate its interrelation with manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy. 146 patients with cirrhosis ages 20 to 70 years have been examined. The cirrhosis has been verified by standard methods. Examina¬tion included colonoscopy and stool specimen. Diagnostics of hepatic encephalopathy was based on clinical and psychometric methods. It is established that symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia often occurred in patients with cirrhosis of classes В and С by Chaild-Pugh. According to the endoscopic examination lesions of mucous membrane of large intestine have been revealed in 82% of patients with liver cirrhosis. Morphological research revealed changes in 100% of patients with cirrhosis. Frequency and expressiveness of changes in mucous membrane of large intestine depended on the degree of cirrhosis decompensation. Changes of biocenosis of large intestine were revealed in 93% of patients with cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy was diagnosed in 88% of patients, more frequently hepatic encephalopathy of stage I. The cirrhosis is accompanied by structural and functional changes of intestine that make up additional risk factor of development of hepatic encephalopathy
V.V. Ovsyannikova, I.V. Kozlova Clinicodiagnostic value of functional morphological changes of intestine in encephalopathy development in cirrhosis // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 365-369
A.A. Antonyan, E.I. Kashkina, R.V. Lyakisheva
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The review of recent data is presented in the article. it concerns pathogenesis, course, progressing of pathologic process in liver, methods of treatment of patients with alcoholic liver disease...
The review of recent data is presented in the article. it concerns pathogenesis, course, progressing of pathologic process in liver, methods of treatment of patients with alcoholic liver disease
A.A. Antonyan, E.I. Kashkina, R.V. Lyakisheva New data on alcoholic liver disease // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 317-322
С.П. Сернов, В.Б. Лифшиц, В.Т. Субботина, Н.Ю. Папшицкая, А.Г. Мартынова, К.Г. Аредаков В.И. Шульгин
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2009
One of the main factors of chronic liver disease is alcohol. The level of alcoholic liver disease incidence and cirrhosis mortality has increased considerably in the recent years in many countries. The risk of development and disease progression are determined by the effect of endogenous and exogeno...
One of the main factors of chronic liver disease is alcohol. The level of alcoholic liver disease incidence and cirrhosis mortality has increased considerably in the recent years in many countries. The risk of development and disease progression are determined by the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors: "drinking mode", female gender, heredity and genetic predisposition, obesity, concomitant viral hepatitis
С.П. Сернов, В.Б. Лифшиц, В.Т. Субботина, Н.Ю. Папшицкая, А.Г. Мартынова, К.Г. Аредаков В.И. Шульгин Epidemiology Of Alcoholic Liver Disease // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 2009, pp. 564-568
Sushchenko M.A., Kozlova I.V.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2009
Purpose — Studying of kliniko-morphological features of a pathology of a gullet, stomach, duodenal gut and role of indicators apoptosis and proliferation in pathology development esofagogastroduodenal zones at alcoholic liver disease.
42 patients with an alcoholic hepatitis and 44 patients a cirrhos...
Purpose — Studying of kliniko-morphological features of a pathology of a gullet, stomach, duodenal gut and role of indicators apoptosis and proliferation in pathology development esofagogastroduodenal zones at alcoholic liver disease.
42 patients with an alcoholic hepatitis and 44 patients a cirrhosis are surveyed. By all it is spent endoscopic, histo-logic and immuno-histochemical inspection. By means of sets of antibodies studied proliferation activity epitheliocytes of stomach
At patients at transformation of a chronic alcoholic hepatitis in a cirrhosis accrue atrophy changes of a mucous membrane of a stomach, against against which chronic erosion or peptic ulcers without inflammations are marked. Processes proliferation and apoptosis are activated, that to the full defines morphological changes gastroduodenal zones
Strengthening of processes proliferation and apoptosis promotes progressing of structural changes esophagogas-tricduodenal zones that can serve additional diagnostic and prognostic as criterion.
Sushchenko M.A., Kozlova I.V. Klinico-diagnostic value of indicators apoptosis and proliferation esofagogastroduode-nal zones at alcoholic liver disease // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 347-352