Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 12, для научной тематики: Newborn
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2015
Objective: to define the risk factors adversely influencing prenatal development at premature birth at use of methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART); to estimate premature' infants health from multiple induced pregnancy according to Perinatal Center of Saratov for last 3 years. Materia...
Objective: to define the risk factors adversely influencing prenatal development at premature birth at use of methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART); to estimate premature' infants health from multiple induced pregnancy according to Perinatal Center of Saratov for last 3 years. Material and Methods. Under supervision there were 139 pregnant women with application ART. 202 children (51 twins were born and 5 triplet babies), from them 83 premature infants born from multiple induced pregnancy have been analyzed. Results. The newborns examined by method ART, were distributed as follows: 22-28 weeks — 19 children; 29-32 weeks — 23; 33-36 weeks — 41. Asphyxia at birth was marked at all premature infants. Respiratory insufficiency at birth is revealed in 87,3% of cases. The most frequent pathologies in premature infants are revealed: neurologic infringements and bronchopulmonary pathology occured at all children, developmental anomaly — 33, 8%, retinopathies in premature infants — 26,5%. The mortality causes include: extreme immaturity, cerebral leukomalacia, IVN 3 degrees. Conclusion. The risk factors, premature birth at application of methods ART are revealed: aged primiparas, pharmacological influence, absence of physiological conditions of prenatal development; multifetation. The high percent of birth of children with ELBW and ULBW is revealed. RDCN with further BPD development, retinopathies in premature infants and CNS defeat is more often occured.
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A. Premature infants' health at multiple induced pregnancy. // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 305-309
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2015
The aim of the article is to present clinical experience of conducting the patient with a genetic syndrome of Langer — Saldino in branch of resuscitation and intensive therapy of newborns of Perinatal Center of Saratov. It is necessary to notice that the described pathology is a rare autosomal domin...
The aim of the article is to present clinical experience of conducting the patient with a genetic syndrome of Langer — Saldino in branch of resuscitation and intensive therapy of newborns of Perinatal Center of Saratov. It is necessary to notice that the described pathology is a rare autosomal dominant disease shown by plural developmental anomalies and determines great attention from the practical point of view. The given syndrome concerns mortality diseases leading to lethal outcomes on early terms of prenatal development, or in the nearest neonatal period from respiratory insufficiency.
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A. Achondrogenesis type II (Langer — Saldino syndrome) at a newborn: Clinical case. // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 303-305
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Lisitsyna A.S.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
Objective: to reveal and estimate dependence between a long waterless interval, infectious process at mother and pathology of newborn children. Material and Methods: Supervision and research have been carried out in Perinatal Center of Saratov region for the last 2 years. 167 women and 173 newborns ...
Objective: to reveal and estimate dependence between a long waterless interval, infectious process at mother and pathology of newborn children. Material and Methods: Supervision and research have been carried out in Perinatal Center of Saratov region for the last 2 years. 167 women and 173 newborns were included in the research. The big group was composed by prematurely born children. Women were divided into 2 groups depending on infectious process of patrimonial ways and on duration of a waterless interval. Children were divided on gestation term. Results: fetoplacental insufficiency and threatened miscarriage are the main factors of extremely immature children birth. Under these conditions, prolongation of pregnancy and preparing a fetus to labor act are important factors for improving the adaptive capacity of a premature baby. One of the important factors of insolvency is membranes infection. It is a distinct disease or a result of complications of pregnancy prolongation in women with PROM, is a precursor of systemic inflammatory response and in the majority of newborns was realized in infectious process. Conclusion. Women with infectious pathology of birth canal should be thoroughly sanitized, preventive treatment should be carried out, it would prevent the implementation of fetus infection, reduce posthypoxic disorders and incidence of preterm birth and IUGR. Long PSU without infectious support contributes to a lesser extent implementation of infection in fetus and less effect on a child's neurological status.
Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Lisitsyna A.S. Assessment of health state of newborns depending on duration of waterless interval and infectious process at mother // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 427-431
Natalia A. Belyaeva, O.S. Panina, Iuri V. Chernenkov
- Russian Open Medical Journal , 2014
Objective — To evaluate the level of knowledge of surveyed women about breastfeeding before and after the maternity school. Material and methods — The anonymous survey of 300 women on breastfeeding has been conducted. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. The questionn...
Objective — To evaluate the level of knowledge of surveyed women about breastfeeding before and after the maternity school. Material and methods — The anonymous survey of 300 women on breastfeeding has been conducted. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. The questionnaire has been filled in on the 3d day after the childbirth (before the maternity course). On the 4th day after the childbirth mothers have been provided with the main issues on breastfeeding and practical recommendations.
Results — The questionnaire survey has showed the low level of knowledge of mothers about breastfeeding before the maternity school. The level of knowledge after the school has increased in 2.5 times. The knowledge in practical aspects has increased in 5.2 times.
Conclusion — The courses on breastfeeding contribute to the educational status of mothers concerning the questions of correct lactation dominant.
Natalia A. Belyaeva, O.S. Panina, Iuri V. Chernenkov Evaluation of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers before and after the maternity school // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 403-0
Chernenkov Yu.V., Goremykin I.V., Bochkova L.G., Kliuyev S.A.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
The aim of the article is to describe the case of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation. The definition of this pathology, its morphology, classification, frequency and clinical forms are considered in the work. The data of the observation of a newborn with a complicated form of the defect have...
The aim of the article is to describe the case of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation. The definition of this pathology, its morphology, classification, frequency and clinical forms are considered in the work. The data of the observation of a newborn with a complicated form of the defect have been determined: the peculiarities of the neonatal adaptation, the results of examination and treatment.
Chernenkov Yu.V., Goremykin I.V., Bochkova L.G., Kliuyev S.A. Clinical observation: congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 286-288
Belyaeva N.A., Panina O.S., Chernenkov Yu.V.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
Objective: to evaluate the level of knowledge of surveyed women about breastfeeding before and after the maternity school. Material and methods. The anonymous survey of 300 women on breastfeeding has been conducted. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. The questionnai...
Objective: to evaluate the level of knowledge of surveyed women about breastfeeding before and after the maternity school. Material and methods. The anonymous survey of 300 women on breastfeeding has been conducted. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. The questionnaire has been filled in on the 3d day after the childbirth (before the maternity course). On the 4th day after the childbirth mothers have been provided with the main issues on breastfeeding and practical recommendations. Results. The questionnaire survey has showed the low level of knowledge of mothers about breastfeeding before the maternity school. The level of knowledge after the school has increased in 2.5 times. The knowledge in practical aspects has increased in 5.2 times. Conclusion. The courses on breastfeeding contribute to the educational status of mothers concerning the questions of correct lactation dominant.
Belyaeva N.A., Panina O.S., Chernenkov Yu.V. Evaluation of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers before and after the maternity school // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 108-110
Kadymova I.I., Bochkova L.G.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
The article is concerned with the current state of nutrition of low birth weight infants. Anatomo-physiological features of digestive system of heterogeneous cohort of low birth weight infants are given. The article presents the description of metabolism of basic food ingredients in neonatal age. Th...
The article is concerned with the current state of nutrition of low birth weight infants. Anatomo-physiological features of digestive system of heterogeneous cohort of low birth weight infants are given. The article presents the description of metabolism of basic food ingredients in neonatal age. The analysis of efficiency of modern methods of enteral and parenteral nutrition of newborns with morphofunctional immaturity has been carried out. The necessity of complex programming of specific nutrition schemes for low birth weight infants of different weight categories has been proved in the work. The method of complex programming will guarantee safe survival of low birth weight infants.
Kadymova I.I., Bochkova L.G. Nutrition of low birth weight infants // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 720-725
Bondar Т.Р., Tsaturyan Е.О., Deryabin М.А., Zaytsev А.А.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2013
The purpose of the study is to examine the feasibility of a self-learning neural network to predict the risk of hemo-static disorders in newborns and their mothers. Material: To solve the problems 214 patients have been under the study, of which — 107 women on a day of labor and 107 of their infa...
The purpose of the study is to examine the feasibility of a self-learning neural network to predict the risk of hemo-static disorders in newborns and their mothers. Material: To solve the problems 214 patients have been under the study, of which — 107 women on a day of labor and 107 of their infants. Morphofunctional state of platelets was assessed by automatic hematological analysis, computer cytomorphometry and platelet aggregation. These laboratory studies of patients were used as a training set for a neural network. This study used a neural network with classical structure «layer perceptron.» Results: Testing of the neural network was carried out on two female patients with physiological pregnancy and signs of imbalance of the hemostatic system. At the output of neural network based on laboratory confirmed the presence or absence of pathology of the hemostatic system in two specific patients and their newborns. Conclusion: The introduction of practical obstetric program being developed based on the neural network will reduce and prevent the development of thrombohemorrhagic complications, the protocol will optimize diagnostic and treatment activities, and an opportunity for the state of hemostasis monitor on a background of pathogenetic therapy for women and their newborns during childbirth and neonatal period.
Bondar Т.Р., Tsaturyan Е.О., Deryabin М.А., Zaytsev А.А. Application of self-learning neural network in obstetrics and neonatal practice // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 282-286
Yakovleva O.V., Muzurova L.V., Zryachkin N.I.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
The research goal is to study the causes of perinatal hypoxic impairments of Central Nervous System (CNS) in fetus and newborn. Risk factors of cerebral ischemia development in fetus and newborn are likely to be found anemia, chronic adnexitis in mothers, threatened abortions, athletic type of pregn...
The research goal is to study the causes of perinatal hypoxic impairments of Central Nervous System (CNS) in fetus and newborn. Risk factors of cerebral ischemia development in fetus and newborn are likely to be found anemia, chronic adnexitis in mothers, threatened abortions, athletic type of pregnant women, loop of cord during the pregnancy course, rapid parturition and acute respiratory diseases during the II and III trimesters of pregnancy
Yakovleva O.V., Muzurova L.V., Zryachkin N.I. Leading factors of cerebral ischemia in newborns // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 772-774
Mikailova Z.N.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2010
50 newborns born at mothers with urogenital clamidiosis have been examined. Control group have made 25 newborns born at healthy mothers. Following methods of inspection were applied: anamnestic, clinical, neuroelektrophysi-ologic. As a result of research conclusions have been conclude . At perinatal...
50 newborns born at mothers with urogenital clamidiosis have been examined. Control group have made 25 newborns born at healthy mothers. Following methods of inspection were applied: anamnestic, clinical, neuroelektrophysi-ologic. As a result of research conclusions have been conclude . At perinatal lesions of central nervous system (CNS), in consequence of clamidiosis infection, the picture of bioelectric activity of a brain of the newborn is characterised by infringement of processes of formation of the basic rhythm and differentiation degree of cortical activity, the expressed residual organic changes and presence of signs of hypertension syndrome formation
Mikailova Z.N. Electroencephalography characteristic in infected newborns by chlamydias // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 637-639