Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 3, для научной тематики: Temporal lower-jaw joint
Gavryushova L.V., Bulkina N.V., Lepilin A.V.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2011
Research objective: increase of efficiency of treatment of adult patients with дистальной окклюзией in a combination to defects of tooth alignments on the basis of definition of optimum parameters of an arrangement of elements of a visochno-mandibular joint. Investigation of 85 persons of mature age...
Research objective: increase of efficiency of treatment of adult patients with дистальной окклюзией in a combination to defects of tooth alignments on the basis of definition of optimum parameters of an arrangement of elements of a visochno-mandibular joint. Investigation of 85 persons of mature age has been carried. Studying of features of an anatomo-topographical structure of visochno-mandibular joints spent by means of the modified technique of the analysis of the lateral tomograms, developed Uzhumetskene. As a result of the spent treatment changes of topographical mutual relations in visochno-mandibular joints at patients of all investigated groups were marked
Gavryushova L.V., Bulkina N.V., Lepilin A.V. Secondary and tertiary distal occlusion prevention according to the position oftemporomendibular joint // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 285-287
Vorobyeva M.V., Matytsina T.V., Konnov V.V., Tokmakova E.V.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2011
The study of temple-lower-jaw joints was provided in 40 patients with defects of teeth row, complicated with distal displacement of lower jaw. It was functional disorders of temple-lower-jaw joint and identified the possibility of their prevention...
The study of temple-lower-jaw joints was provided in 40 patients with defects of teeth row, complicated with distal displacement of lower jaw. It was functional disorders of temple-lower-jaw joint and identified the possibility of their prevention
Vorobyeva M.V., Matytsina T.V., Konnov V.V., Tokmakova E.V. Prevention of functional disorders of temple-lower-jaw joints in the orthopedic treatment of patients with terminal defects of teeth row // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 284-285
V.V. Konnov, A.V. Lepilin, L.V. Gavrjushova, C.B. Fischev
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2008
The study of temple-lower-jaw joints was provided among patients with defects of teeth row, complicated with mesial displacement of lower jaw. The defenite changes of temple-lower-jaw joint were found and the possibility of correction of these changes was defined....
The study of temple-lower-jaw joints was provided among patients with defects of teeth row, complicated with mesial displacement of lower jaw. The defenite changes of temple-lower-jaw joint were found and the possibility of correction of these changes was defined.
V.V. Konnov, A.V. Lepilin, L.V. Gavrjushova, C.B. Fischev CORRECTION OF VIOLATION TEMPLE-LOWER-JAW JOINT IN MESIAL DISPLACEMENT OF LOWER JAW // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 129-132