The weakest unit in treatment of urolithiasis is revealing in each specific case etiological factor of lithogenic and carrying out etiotropic therapy, and, hence prevention of urolithiasis relapse. The study of correlation of hypogonadism through osteosinging with urolithiasis at men is the new pers...
The weakest unit in treatment of urolithiasis is revealing in each specific case etiological factor of lithogenic and carrying out etiotropic therapy, and, hence prevention of urolithiasis relapse. The study of correlation of hypogonadism through osteosinging with urolithiasis at men is the new perspective direction uniting Endocrinology and somatic Urology.
In prospective cohort research the patients divided into 2 groups have been included: basic group - patients with considerably cured urolithiasis and hypogonadism, received androgenic therapy (30 persons); comparison group -patients with considerably cured urolithiasis and hypogonadism, not receiving androgen therapy (30 persons).
Used: questioning on questionnaire AMS, the International index of erectile functions (IIEF-5), index of weight of a body, haemoglobin, hematocrit, biochemical indicators of blood serum, densitometry, general testosterone, PSA, and ionized calcium.
After contra-indications exception (cancer of prostate gland, expressed increase of haemoglobin and hematocrit) the basic group patients were prescribed one of testosterone group drug during the period not less than 6 months: Androgel (Solvay Pharma), Nebido (Bayer Schering Pharma), Sustanon-250 (Organon), Omnadren-250 (Polfa).
At the moment of the therapy beginning, patients of both groups were comparable in all investigated indices.
Relapse of urolithiasis: against androgenic therapy - 28,6%, in comparison group - 63,2%. The obtained data testify to efficiency of androgenic therapy in respect to prevention of urolithiasis at patients with hypogonadism and confirm the role of hypogonadism as one of etiopathogenetic development factors of urolithiasis.
Androgenic therapy was safe. All patients had insignificant increase of general PSA level and statistically significant increase of haemoglobin and hematocrit indicators. However, the received changes did not demand cancellation, or therapy correction.
P.I. Shuster Efficiency and safety of androgenic therapies of hypogonadism at patients with considerably eliminated urolithiasis // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 327-332