Найдено научных статей и публикаций: 3, для научной тематики: Quality indicators
Posnenkova О.М., Kiselev A.R., Popova Yu.V., Gridnev V.I., Dovgalevsky P.Ya., Danilov A.N.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2014
The purpose was to implement system analysis of clinical cases for development of healthcare quality indicators for STe-ACS patients, aimed at achievement of clinical result — decrease of in-hospital mortality. Mathehal and Methods. National recommendations on diagnostic and treatment of patients...
The purpose was to implement system analysis of clinical cases for development of healthcare quality indicators for STe-ACS patients, aimed at achievement of clinical result — decrease of in-hospital mortality. Mathehal and Methods. National recommendations on diagnostic and treatment of patients with myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation on ECG (2007) were used to determine clinical result of treatment and key measures of medical care. To reveal major causes of clinical result non-achievement fishbone diagram was used. Results. Early reperfusion and optimal medical therapy were determined as the key measures of medical care delivered to patients with STe-ACS. The following indicators were developed to control these measures: «Primary reperfusion», «Thrombolysis in 30 minutes», «Primary percutaneous coronary intervention in 90 minutes», «Dual antiplatelet therapy in hospital», «Beta-blockers administration», «ACE-is/ARBs administration». The major causes of in-hospital mortality were separated. Indicators for assessment the major causes of clinical result non-achievement were proposed. Principal stages of performance measures creation were posed. Conclusion. Recommendation-based and clear definition of clinical result of treatment and key measures of the result achievement combined with methods of systems analysis allows development of evidence-based measures for assessment the quality of care delivered to patients with STe-ACS.
Posnenkova О.М., Kiselev A.R., Popova Yu.V., Gridnev V.I., Dovgalevsky P.Ya., Danilov A.N. Novel approach to evaluation of medical care quality delivered to patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: course to clinical result // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 408-413
Erugina M.V., Grozdova T.Yu., Savinov V.A. Sazanova G.Yu., Dolgova E.M., Lotsmanov Yu.F., Ushakov Yu.V.
- Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research , 2011
Qualitative assessment of diagnostics and treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was carried out in ten therapeutic departments of urban and district hospitals of Saratov region, using quality indicators (Qls). Each case of CAP was assessed in expert health care quality (HCQ) ...
Qualitative assessment of diagnostics and treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was carried out in ten therapeutic departments of urban and district hospitals of Saratov region, using quality indicators (Qls). Each case of CAP was assessed in expert health care quality (HCQ) card according to the diagnostic and treatment quality federal standards and the basic Ql. The application of Ql in CAP patients allowed revealing the following: low CAP agent isolation rate; late hospitalization of CAP patients; low frequency of sputum bacteriological and bacterioscopic investigations prior to antibiotic therapy; insufficient frequency of step-by-step introduction of antibiotics. Recommendations on CAP patients dispenserization were not properly prescribed; recommendations on vaccination were absent. The basic measures of HCQ improvement are as follows: organizing for each CAP patient therapeutic and diagnostic quality control according to Ql; quick administrative decisions; using of HCQ expertise during the first 2-3 days of treatment to correct diagnosis and treatment; optimizing hospital diagnostic resources (laboratory and instrumental) and rational pharmacotherapy
Erugina M.V., Grozdova T.Yu., Savinov V.A. Sazanova G.Yu., Dolgova E.M., Lotsmanov Yu.F., Ushakov Yu.V. Problems and solutions on issues of medical care quality in community-acquired pneumonia in hospitals of Saratov region // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 368-372
Gridnev V.I., Posnenkova O.M., Kiselev A.R., Kotelnicova E.V., Dovgalevsky P.Y.
- Abstract book of International Congress “Hypertension – from Korotkov to present days”, September 15-17, 2005, Saint-Petersburg, Russia , 2005
The necessity of improvement of medical care quality to patients with hypertension set conditions for the development of an alternative approach to evaluation of the effectiveness of medical care to such patients aimed to reveal deviations of medical care procedures from guidelines of National Recom...
The necessity of improvement of medical care quality to patients with hypertension set conditions for the development of an alternative approach to evaluation of the effectiveness of medical care to such patients aimed to reveal deviations of medical care procedures from guidelines of National Recommendations on Hypertension. The most common statistical indices used currently and designated for the quality of care to patients with hypertension assessment are not founded on evidence-based data of Recommendations.
Aim. To compare the results of estimation of quality indicators founded on evidence-based data on arterial hypertension presented in National Recommendations with the results of estimation of comparable statistical indices used commonly in clinical practice.
Material and methods. The results of two-year management of 458 patients with hypertension of I-III grades aged 55±19 in four polyclinics of Saratov were studied. The main statistical and clinicodemographic characteristics of the hypertensive patients (the first method) and quality indicators developed (the second method) were estimated.
Results. Under comparing the first and the second methods the following values of assessing characteristics were obtained. The percentage of patients with established arterial hypertension was 89.6% и 32.7% respectively. The percentage of patients with hypertension, who had one or more risk factors, was 42.3% и 67.8% respectively. The percentage of patients with the evidence of target organs damage or/and associated clinical condition was 48.2% и 59.9% respectively. The percentage of patients with secondary hypertension was 1.2% и 3% respectively. The percentage of patients in whom blood pressure (BP) achieved its target level was 26.2% и 9.4% respectively. The percentage of patients in whom a target BP level has been sustained was 2.1% и 1.7% respectively. Furthermore, the set of developed quality indicators included the following characteristics: assessment of personal 5-year risk of fatal cardiovascular events, BP level assessment before starting of medical treatment, registration of patients with hypertension who had one or more modified risk factors and received documented advice on lifestyle change measures at least once a year, assessment of medication principles compliance and regularity of hypertensive patients observation. At present, there are no analogues to such care quality characteristics among up-to-date statistical indices.
1. The results of cardiologic situation assessment obtained with the help of quality indicators differ substantially from the results obtained with the help of the main statistical characteristics.
2. Quality indicators of medical care have more applied value then the main currently used statistical characteristics because they are founded on evidence-based data of National Recommendations on Hypertension and point out directly those problems of the treatment-and-diagnostic process which need to be improved for raising the quality of medical care.
Abstract book of International Congress “Hypertension – from Korotkov to present days”, September 15-17, 2005, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: p 42-43