A review of Kabytov, P. S., Dubman E. L., and Leontieva, O. B. (Eds.) ‘Finding Homeland’: Society and Power in the Middle Volga Region (from the Second Half of the 16th to Early 20th Centuries). Vol. 2. Regional Settlement and Ethnic and Demographic Situation. Samara: Samara University, 2014. Origin...
A review of Kabytov, P. S., Dubman E. L., and Leontieva, O. B. (Eds.) ‘Finding Homeland’: Society and Power in the Middle Volga Region (from the Second Half of the 16th to Early 20th Centuries). Vol. 2. Regional Settlement and Ethnic and Demographic Situation. Samara: Samara University, 2014. Original version in Russian (Кабытов, П. С., Дубман, Э. Л., Леонтьева, О. Б. «Обретение Родины»: общество и власть в Среднем Поволжье (вторая половина XVI – начало XX в.). Часть 2. Заселение региона и этнодемографическая ситуация. Самара: Самарский университет).
Подробнее https://www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/445674/